Now that the August partial solar eclipse is behind us, it's time to set our focus on the next astrological event to look forward to: the August full moon, which is rising on Aug. 26. As you might already know, a full moon is known for affecting people's moods and actions in a really interesting way, and this can change depending on your zodiac sign. So what does the August full moon mean for your sign? It's a horoscope you'll probably want to be informed about.
In general, a full moon is thought of as the end of one moon cycle. A full moon happens whenever the sun is opposite the moon. According to Astrology King, "this highlights opposing forces or polarities in your life," which can be about work versus home or what you need versus what you want. This can lead to inner tension and pressure that can make you feel exhausted and overwhelmed.
Full moons are known for being quite emotional and for making people be more intuitive than normal. That doesn't sound too fun, but this extra emotional strength and intuition can actually work in your favor, helping you to overcome problems you've been dealing with. It gives you a better perspective on what you're doing through.
This combined with the energy from the partial solar eclipse, which probably made you look forward to new beginnings, can lead to a lot of creativity and realization. And while that's a general side effect of the full moon, it means something different for each zodiac sign out there. Below is an idea of what you can expect from this month's full moon:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
According to Astrology.com, "This full moon is a time to put selfish desires on the back burner and focus on someone else’s needs for a change." You might also find that once the full moon is done, you're going to have more of a focus on work and your career. Also: Mars retrograde ends on Aug. 27, which means that you'll have a lot more clarity and peace.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You've probably found that August has been a slow month for you, but that will change with the energy from the full moon. According to Cafe Astrology, the full moon will help you realize your true feelings about a friend or a romantic partner. The full moon will help give you the intuition needed to figure out how you really feel. You might find that it also brings about a little chaos.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
This full moon is going to affect your job or your feelings about your job in some way. Before the full moon, you'll find that you're really enjoying your work and that things seem to be falling into place. Cafe Astrology says, "This aspect sets the right mood for enjoying the Full Moon on the 26th when you can make some beautiful and meaningful realizations about your career or longer-term goals."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Good news, Cancer: Astrology.com says, "This full moon is the perfect time to release your fears and abandon yourself to the joy of discovery." This is only made more true by the fact that Mars is ending its retrograde right after the full moon. That helps things in your life fall into place, and that combined with the full moon give you the clarity you need to really figure things out.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You've been enjoying a pretty fun August so far, but beginning around the full moon, you start to feel more focused and practical. Cafe Astrology says that the full moon will "remind you to round out your life by considering emotional needs." The full moon serves as a reminder that you don't need to have everything figured out, but that you can't ignore your very real emotions any longer.
Virgo (August 23 - September 23)
There's a lot going on for you surrounding this full moon. Astrology.com says, "This full moon asks you to take an honest look at your expectations, and adjust them accordingly. " You might feel the energy to do something new and focus on reaching your personal goals, but you need to be realistic about them.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
The partial solar eclipse on Aug. 11 may have made your emotions go into overdrive, but the good news is that the full moon might help you reflect more on yourself in a better way. You'll be able to slow down and will have the clarity to focus on what is really important to you.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios have been pretty focused on their work this month, and according to Cafe Astrology, the full moon brings a lot of creative energy. You're going to have a lot of energy to express yourself. The full moon also allows you to focus on your emotional side, potentially leading to a turning point in terms of creativity, projects, goals, romance, and friendship.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The partial solar eclipse should have given you some serious energy to motivate you to finish up projects and work on your long-term goals. The full moon, on the other hand, will "prompt you to get in touch with your true feelings about a matter." You'll want to pay extra attention to your family and home life.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
This full moon will give you the clarity you need to confront difficult situations. Astrology.com says, "This full moon is a great time for you to step across the aisle and make a deeper, truer connection." The Mars retrograde that ends on the 27th will also give you the energy you need to get moving on your goals.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 19)
As an Aquarius, you're already pretty intuitive, and this full moon will just ramp up that energy even more. According to Cafe Astrology, it will also be a time when you'll be more focused on your financial situation, as well as what you need to do to move forward with your goals.
Pisces (February 20 - March 20)
This full moon is rising in Pisces, which makes it extra special for you. Cafe Astrology says, "On the 26th, a Full Moon occurs in your sign, and with it the blossoming or embracing of your true feelings on a matter, or a significant turning point for your personal plans. You'll get a great sense of any feelings that you've brushed aside, buried, or otherwise ignored. Knowing what's in your heart is empowering, even if you don't yet have a plan set in stone for going after what you want."