What That 'Chilling Adventures' Holiday Cliffhanger Could Mean For Season 2

Spoilers ahead for The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: A Midwinter's Tale. It's not an episode of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina if Sabrina doesn't totally ignore her aunts' advice and accidentally let some sort of demon into the house. The special holiday episode was no different, with Sabrina holding a séance to speak to her mother and, in the process, letting ghostly orphan spirts in to terrorize her and her family. But they weren't the only threat to enter Greendale during the Solstice-themed episode. The three demons at the end of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina can't be good for the town.
Sabrina, her aunts, Ambrose, and Luke end the episode thinking all's well that ends well, considering that they finally banished the creepy children spirits and can now just enjoy Solstice like witches are supposed to. (Sabrina even leads the traditional "in Satan bless us, every one" toast.) Little do they know, three new demons just entered Greendale via the mines, which seem to be a direct portal to hell?
The demons make their entrance while Ambrose is reading from A Christmas Carol. The specific line he says is "the ghost had warned him of a visitation when the bell tolled one," and then the episode ends with the ominous chime of a single bell — seems like the visitation is upon Greendale.
But it's hardly surprising that Season 2 would throw more evil spirits at the town. Aunt Hilda basically ensured it when she said, "Now all we have to do is get through Witch Epiphany in one piece without some other terror raising from the bowls of hell."
And what do you know? Three new demons just rose up from the mines. We don't yet know what Witch Epiphany is, but it's likely to be addressed in the Season 2 premiere, as according to SpoilerTV, it's reportedly titled "The Epiphany." And, like with most of the demonic villains Sabrina meets (the sleep demon, the Red Angel of Death, the demon who possessed Susie's uncle), these three new villains will probably be defeated in a single episode.
No threat lasts too long for Sabrina, except for, of course, Ms. Wardwell (aka Lilith). And considering that Ms. Wardwell revealed herself to be the Mother of Demons in the Season 1 finale, it seems safe to say that she probably called upon these three demons, too. She was last seen biting off the head of a gingerbread Sabrina cookie, so perhaps these demons will be coming for the real Sabrina's head.
Not much is known about them yet, except that they came bearing gifts. Each demon has a box — sort of like twisted Satanic versions of the Three Wisemen — and they're sure to make whatever the Witch Epiphany is even scarier.
But they're coming for the first episode of Season 2, so they probably won't wreak too much havoc. There are too many episodes to get through for the show to devolve into complete chaos that early on. Besides, with her aunts and Ambrose on her side, Sabrina seems to be able to tackle anything that comes her way. A trio of demons is no match for the Spellmans.