
3 Things Sagittarius Signs Should Do — And 3 They Shouldn't — This Holiday Season

by Nina Kahn
Originally Published: 
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Where are my Sagittarius signs at? This post is for all the zodiac's archers out there, cause it's your season right now. Honestly, Sagittarius season is always lit, as this happy-go-lucky, free-spirited sign's energy lightens the mood for all of us, even during the darkest and coldest time of the year. So if you're a Sag, as you head into the most festive time of year, it'll be good for you to know everything Sagittarius signs should and shouldn't do this 2019 holiday season — because it's your time to shine, and a little astrological advice never hurts anyone.

As usual, the 2019 holiday season runs most of its course through wild child Sagittarius season, up until Dec. 22, when the sun enters hardworking, stability-lovin' Capricorn. For you, Sag, this means party time leading up to the end of December. With the sun shining in your sign, your combined holiday and birthday celebrations will be all the more sparkly. Once Capricorn season takes hold, expect to feel a little more restraint — in a good way! You've just partied hard for your birthday, so a little bit of Cap's practicality and diligence will help you clean up any post-celebration messes and gracefully navigate the end-of-December and New Year's scene.

There are also a couple epic luminaries that are going to rock your socks through the holiday season, Sag babies. The November 2019 new moon in your sign hits just before Thanksgiving on Nov. 26, kicking off your holiday season, and it's bringing big boosts of motivation and drive to accomplish your goals. "New Year's Eve comes early for Sagittarians as 2019's only new moon in your sign gives you a system-wise reboot," wrote astrologers Ophira and Tali Edut in The AstroTwins' 2019 Horoscope. Expect to feel super hyped up on your future plans — just don't blow your energy load all at once. You want this high vibration to carry you into the new year!

Sagittarius zodiac signs will be ready to party all holiday season.

Additionally, the full and new moons in December 2019 bring major shifts. The December full moon in Gemini on Dec. 12 is a critical breaking point for relationships of all sorts (professional, romantic, or friendly) in the life of Sagittarians. If it's good, put in the work and prioritize the partnership. If it's not, it's time to move on to greener pastures. The new moon in Capricorn that falls the day after Christmas also happens to be a solar eclipse (eclipses are always boat-rockers, and this one's no exception!), so expect fate to drop new opportunities into your lap. " Events sparked by this lunar lift can take up to six months to unfold," continued the AstroTwins. "But don't sit on your haunches waiting for opportunity to find you. Seek and you will find." So again, putting in the work is key — career doors will open for Sagittarius sun and rising signs, but the fruits of your labor will come long-term.

The stars have tons of advice to help you make the most of your end-of-year festivities, Sag, and Bustle chatted with astrologer Lisa Stardust who gave us her best tips, too. Check out the do's and don'ts of the holiday season 2019 for Sagittarius' so you can live it up in alignment with the cosmos.

DO: Connect With Your Family's History

Sagittarius' should connect with their ancestral family history over the holiday season.

For many people, holidays are about family — so whether you choose to spend holidays with your biological family or your chosen family, do what you can to get in touch with your ancestral roots, as it can help ground you in a more spiritual mindset as you enter the new year. "Try to spend more time connecting with your family this holiday season to understand your roots and ancestors better," advises Stardust. If you are spending time with family, deviate conversations away from your differences and spend more time gathering bits and pieces of their culture, history, and memory to carry with you and connect with.

DON'T: Drown Yourself In Debt Buying Holiday Gifts

As a fire sign, you're warm, generous, and love to light up people's lives — but don't screw yourself into financial stress by buying into the capitalist idea of what it means to be loving during the holidays. "Don’t overspend on holiday shopping," warns Stardust. "Try to stay in your budget to avoid using up all of your cash flow or your credit card limit before New Year’s." With Mercury retroshade in full effect, rearing its head through the first week of December, we're less likely to make smart choices when it comes to reading the fine print on purchases anyway, so be frugal while shopping and show your love and appreciation in other ways.

DO: Set Aside Some Energy For A Humanitarian Cause

Volunteering for a worthy cause during the holiday season will help Sagittarius connect with their h...

You can think big, Sag — it's one of your strengths — and since it's the season of giving, it's a great time to put forth some energy and time toward volunteering for a worthy cause that will help others who need it. "Give back to the community by volunteering or donating food and money to a noteworthy cause," advises Stardust. The holidays are a tough time for many, so choose a few ways to give back during the holiday season and use your spark to make a difference, whether it's through a monetary donation or simply with your time.

DON'T: Get Carried Away With Family Drama

It can be hard to deal with family over the holidays if they hold difficult or toxic beliefs, but if you're spending the holidays with them regardless, try to keep things peaceful and not get carried away. "Avoid the family dramz! Don’t criticize your family!" warns Stardust. "If they have different political beliefs then change the topic before arguing at the dinner table. Their emotions may be extra high and your comments will make them feel attacked." Remember how I noted you should focus on your family's history and culture? Well, yeah, embrace that and not their shortcomings this year — or protect your energy and avoid difficult conversations all together.

DO: Practice Being Present & Let Go Of Stress

Sagittarius' should make time for self-care and de-stressing during the holiday season.

With your lucky ruling planet Jupiter leaving your sign in early December, you might feel like your good luck charm just took a vacation — but it's nothing a little self-reflection and mindfulness can't remedy. "Take time off from thinking about work and stressing about other affairs," advises Stardust. "Live in the moment!" If you're getting some time off for the holidays, really take that time off. Shut off your work e-mail notifications and allow yourself to be present with your friends, family, and most importantly, yourself.

DON'T: Party Too Hard

OK, Sag, we know you're a wild child at heart. And we know it's your birthday season throughout most of the holidays. We don't expect you to stay home and self-care it up all season, but beware the urge to party 'til you drop and go too hard. "Don’t spend too much time out enjoying the seasonal festivities," warns Stardust. "Meaning, don’t party too hard!" Reserve some energy for family time, personal goal setting, and self-care. There's big stuff on the horizon when it comes to the astrology of your career as well as shifts in relationships, so keep your eye on the prize and the partying to a reasonable minimum.

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