The 2 Books Diane Guerrero Thinks Every American Should Read In The Era Of Trump

In the months since Donald Trump has become president, more and more people have become inspired to join the Resistance — whether that means volunteering, campaigning, donating, making calls, educating themselves and others on the issues, or otherwise. Bustle's 31 Days of Reading Resistance takes a look at the role of literature and writing in the Resistance, both as a source of inspiration and as a tool for action.
When Orange is the New Black star Diane Guerrero was just 14 years old, her parents and brother were deported to Colombia. Guerrero, a U.S. citizen, remained in the United States without her family and in the care of other Colombian families. Now, the actress, activist, and author is using her platform to fight for immigration reform that would prevent other families from being brutally torn apart.
In 2016, she released her memoir: In the Country We Love: My Family Divided, a book that details her family's deportation and how it's impacted her activism and politics. Her book is just one in the canon of literature that elevates the voices of those most vulnerable in America today, and one that should most definitely be added to your reading resistance list.
But what does Diane Guerrero read when she needs motivation?
In the Country We Love by Diane Guerrero, $13.86, Amazon
As part of 31 Days of Reading Resistance, Diane Guerrero shared with Bustle the two books she reads that keep her motivated to keep fighting, keep resisting, keep moving when things get tough. Here are those books:
Diane Guerrero says: "Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates who tears into the state of race relations in the U.S. today, while making the case that “race” is a product of racism that has poisoned our society throughout history. I appreciated the approach Coates took in writing this novel, in the form of a letter from the author to his son. While it solely focuses on the black male experience, it raises questions that women and all communities of color should consider as we try to advocate for positive change under national political leadership that ignores or insults us and demeans us."
Diane Guerrero says: "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz tells the story of a family from the Dominican Republic that migrates to New Jersey. This is an epic tale that describes the real world struggles of a family in their native land, of the protagonist’s street smarts as he tries to survive in a place and in a body that does not allow him to fit in. I was deeply moved by the story of his mother, her sacrifices and torture she endured before arriving in the U.S. Mostly, I was struck by the theme of resilience to achieve one’s dreams, even if it costs you your life. It should make every reader wonder, 'What am I willing to do to achieve my heart’s desire?'"
Follow along all month long for more Reading Resistance book recommendations.