These Photos Of Tony From 'Queer Eye' With His Family Will Melt Your Heart All Over Again

Spoilers ahead for Queer Eye Season 3. The week before the birth of your first child may not seem like an ideal time to go on a reality show, but for Tony from Queer Eye, it was exactly what he needed. The Fab Five met the nervous father mere days before the birth of his daughter, and they helped to not only prepare him for this next chapter, but change his outlook on life. Now, after the show, it seems like this proud papa is doing better than ever.
A title card at the end of the episode announced that Tony and Brianna (now his fiancee, since as shown in Season 3, he proposed at their baby shower), welcomed Rowan Rhea on August 24, 2018. The little peanut clocked in at a perfectly healthy 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 25.5 inches tall.
Tony celebrated the occasion with his first-ever Instagram post, because if you're going to join Instagram, to announce that you've just had a kid feels like a pretty good reason. Since then, he's only shared a handful of photos, but his wife-to-be Brianna is considerably more prolific on the 'gram. For instance, her bio confirms that she and Tony aren't yet married, as she describes herself as "Future wifey to my nerd."
Her feed also features multiple pictures of Tony cuddling little Rowan in a way that would make Baby Bootcamp Coordinator Karamo so proud. In the photo below, note how much of Tony's eyes are visible thanks to those fancy specs Tan picked out, and that he's also let a little bit of his beard grow back in.
Of course, who could forget about the real star of Tony's episode: the fabulous Kairi. She and Tony got all spruced up to go to their daddy/daughter dance. Tony is rocking another Tan-approved staple, the sport coat, while Kairi is bringin' it in aquamarine lace.
And how cute is wee Rowan counting sheep in the crib that Bobby and her dad built her?
Clearly, Tony took the guys' message to make time with his family seriously, now that he's got his house in order. Tony's Instagram features multiple heartwarming pictures of Brianna, while Brianna's own page shows even more insight into their life as a family. For instance, she explains that they love going to play board games together at a local shop in Kansas City. You know what they say about the family that plays together!
Before the Fab Five showed up, Tony could barely get it together to load the dishwasher. Now, post-Queer Eye, he and Brianna walked together in the Kansas City AIDS Walk representing the nonprofit children's hospital, Children's Mercy.
When the Fab Five change someone's life, it's bound to rub off on those around them. And in Tony's case, that trickle down was pretty immediate. Rowan might not have been there for the makeover itself, but her life will definitely benefit from the positive impact the Fab Five had on her father and her family.