Maybe you've never heard of sturgeon — I hadn't. This Great Lakes fish is most often caught at the beginning of August, and the full moon used to alert people to its fishing date. So, what is the Sturgeon Moon? The August full moon, also known as the Sturgeon Moon, the Full Green Corn Moon, the Wheat Cut Moon, the Moon When All Things Ripen, and the Blueberry Moon, according to the Farmer's Almanac, is a time to give thanks for abundance.
The Sturgeon Moon in Leo, and lunar eclipse in Aquarius, is Aug. 7, three weeks before the total solar eclipse. "A lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually marks endings or culmination points," Astrologer Susan Miller explained on Astrology Zone. "A full moon lunar eclipse is almost always an emotional time. Memories and dreams come up to the surface, and sometimes we feel sentimental."
So, if you're feeling a little weepy the first week of August, it might be the Sturgeon Moon at work. If you were born under the Sturgeon Moon, you likely have an expansive nature, according to astrology website What's Your Sign. "This makes it quite easy for you to attract the ways and means in your life to succeed in most endeavors. It's uncanny how resources come together to suit your purposes," What's Your Sign explained.
The Sturgeon Moon in Leo is also a time for you to expand your consciousness, Esoteric Astrologer Ron Thurlow, Ph.D. advised on Meditation Mount. "As we meditate upon the Leo full moon, we contemplate the illumination that the light of Leo brings," he noted. "Leo rays enlighten every human heart with love and wisdom. We have only to accept it and to share it."
Sarah Norrad explained on Elephant Journal that the symbolic meaning of the Sturgeon Moon represents a great power ready to be harnessed, and this full moon asks you to do an internal deep dive, kind of like a fish diving deep into the lake.
"The sturgeon is one of the longest living fresh water fish and for that reason is an extremely sacred and wise symbol," she wrote. "It represents an animal that can grow up to 1,500 pounds, 20 feet and live up to 150 years. Having its preferred habitat as one of great depth and primarily fast moving water, sturgeon energy demands respect and asks us to know our grandest potential."
Norrad noted that the sturgeon is also a very protective fish with built-in defense mechanisms, such as bumps on its back called scutes, to protect them from predators. This is a symbol of self care, which you are encouraged to practice with abandon during the Sturgeon Moon.
"Take time out to nurture self, extra lovingly," Norrad advised. "Know that it is the sacred in us that we are honoring by doing this and that we are looking after the old wisdom of the great teachers. By laying a foundation of love for ourselves we are giving this burgeoning power in us — one that may have been latent for months now — the permission and safe space to come out."
Consider getting a massage, going to a yoga or meditation class, or pampering yourself at home with a rejuvenating bath, and quiet time writing in your journal.