The whole retail world is abuzz with Black Friday preparations, and some of the best deals are going to come from unexpected places. Case in point: Snapchat's new shopping channel, "Shop and Cop," will bring you 2018 Black Friday deals from 20 brands, including Kylie Cosmetics and Coco and Breezy. This year, shoppers will have more and more places where they can cop deep discounts, avalanching them with savings.
Beginning on Friday, Nov. 16, Snapchat users in the US can go into the Discover page and find a whole new channel dedicated to shopping, giving you yet another way to snag bargains and find discounts from some of your favorite stores. Launching a week before Black Friday, the app is going to test the waters with a whole new shopping experience, right before the biggest shopping weekend of the year. Honestly, you couldn't launch at a better time — not when everyone is ready to dive into those major sales.
The brands and products are curated for Snap, by Snap, but before the channel launches with its full lineup of brands, "Shop and Cop” will do a soft launch on Friday with the workout apparel brand Gymshark, which is a favorite to stars like Sienna Miller and Emma Roberts. (Gymshark carries sizes XS-XL or 2-12 for women's apparel.)
If you need new quality leggings and workout sets, then starting at 2 p.m. ET, Gymshark will offer up to 50% off a selection of their items during a two-hour window, letting you stock up on cute essentials. If you enjoyed the sale and would love to partake again, then you can subscribe to the channel afterwards and be alerted of new products and deals as they roll in.
But the real fun begins during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Every few hours, one retailer across beauty and fashion will be featured in the channel for a limited time window, offering everything from deep discounts to exclusive items. You can do all of the shopping right there on your Snapchat app, meaning you won't be forwarded to the store's mobile website in order to complete your purchase, but finish it right there in the "Shop and Cop" channel. After making your first purchase, your credit card information will be securely stored, making your next shopping spree much easier with just a few taps of a button.
After Black Friday, the app will continue to function similarly as during the massive sales weekend, where several retailers will be featured daily, each with a few hours to be spotlighted on the channel and to divvy up their offers. But don't worry — their sales won't be over within a couple of hours, like the Black Friday flash deals. The brands might be spotlighted for only a few hours, but afterwards you can browse their offers that you might have missed by viewing the "Shop and Cop" profile.
If you love to use Snapchat, this is just another cool feature that will add a little something extra to your experience with the app. Now you can send funny filters and shop all at the same time!