Here's What The "Whaboom" Guy Does For Work

If I were to give out a first impression rose to the strangest occupation on Rachel Lindsay’s season of The Bachelorette, it would go to the professional “Whaboom.” (The professional “Tickle Monster” would be a close second, of course.) I just… I don’t fully understand it. “Whaboom” is not an actual vocation, it is not a real word, and as far as I know, it isn’t a colloquialism for a job title. So, what is Bachelorette contestant Lucas Yancey’s real occupation? To paraphrase workplace comedy Office Space, what would you say you whaboom here, Mr. Yancey?
While unveiling the Bachelorette bios on Facebook Live, Chris Harrison attempted to break down the meaning of “Whaboom.” His explanation didn't exactly shed a light on Lucas' line of work. The King of Bachelor Nation said,
"It's a lifestyle. It's an essence. It's who he is. It's a noun, it's a verb, it's an adverb. You can be Whaboom, you can be Whaboomed, and you can Whaboom. You can call somebody a Whaboom."
Oh? Can an essence pay the bills? Can you put an essence on a résumé? Can an essence be a job title? What does this guy do? Well, we needn’t wonder a moment longer: The Bachelorette hopeful has a personal website that lists all of the non-Whaboom things he does for work.
According to his site,
“He graduated from UC Berkeley and majored in Legal studies with a focus in Business. While attending Berkeley, he and his team won 4 Rugby National Championships. He started his own business, and committed much of his time to several on-campus organizations and philanthropies. As part of one of the organizations he spent many years mentoring inner city children, helping them grow and learn to achieve higher education and reach their goals. He continues in these endeavors to this day.”
You mean to tell me he did not get a degree in Whaboom? Whoa.
So, what’s he been up to as of late? Take it away, Lucas' “About Me” page:
“He currently works as an Actor/Writer/Producer in Los Angeles. He has appeared in many major television shows, commercials and movies. His company, YknotWorld Productions makes comedic films, short films, commercials and various other content. He enjoys doing stand-up comedy and improv shows at The Comedy Store and the Hollywood Improv.”
Yes, Lucas does have an IMDb page. His credits include Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, two Doritos Super Bowl ad contest submissions, and Ex Isle. As it turns out, The Bachelorette isn't Lucas' first visit to the rodeo that is reality television. Whoa-boom.
But wait, there is more on his site:
“He is fluent in Spanish and also works in Real Estate as a private investor and developer. He owns and manages many properties in Los Angeles as well as in the San Francisco Bay Area.”
And here I thought he spent his days toiling away in the whaboom mines.
Are you ready for the kicker? Dude tossed some hashtags onto the bottom of his “About Me” page.
“Hash tags: #WhaaaBoooom #WhaBoom #BurgertYme #LetTheBigDoggEat #WhosHungry #Gobbletyme”
There it is. There it is. The whaboom is alive and well. What a relief.
There you have it, folks. Lucas is an actor/writer/producer/stand-up comic/property manager/real estate investor/real estate developer. A true whaboom of all trades.