Here’s A Bullet-Point List Of Every Crazy Thing That’s Happened In The Trump Administration In The Last 4 Weeks

The last month of the the Trump administration has been unbelievably chaotic. It's true that one could say that about any month of Donald Trump's presidency, but even against that standard, the last four weeks stand out as unusually hectic. On Friday morning, 16 members of Trump's Committee on the Arts and Humanities resigned — and yet that's nowhere near the craziest thing Trump has done in the last month.
It's hard to keep up with everything that happens in a presidential administration even when that administration isn't careening from crisis to crisis on a weekly basis. The Trump White House is doing exactly that, however, which makes staying abreast of the news borderline impossible. Thankfully, CNN's Brooke Baldwin provided a bullet-point list of everything that's happened in Trumpworld over the last four weeks — or most of it, at least. And that list must be seen to be believed: Even the most highly-informed news consumers will probably find something on this list that they forgot about.
One more thing: While you're reading this list (which below the video), keep in mind that, concurrent to all of these developments, Trump still has not signed a single major piece of domestic legislation during the course of his presidency.
You ready? All right, here goes. Over the past month, Trump has:
- hired Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci as White House communications director;
- fired Reince Priebus, his chief of staff;
- hired Gen. John Kelly as chief of staff;
- fired Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci from White House communications director;
- hired Hope Hicks as interim White House communications director;
- fired top adviser Steve Bannon;
- publicly shamed Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Twitter;
- failed to sign Obamacare repeal bill after months of promises;
- criticized Republicans who voted no on Obamacare repeal;
- announced transgender troops won't be allowed to serve in the U.S. military, only to soon be rebuked by the Pentagon, which said it has received no such orders;
- bragged about his electoral college victory in a speech to the Boy Scouts;
- said Boy Scouts leader called him after speech and was then rebuked by the Boy Scouts, which said no such call happened;
- lied about the Mexican president calling to praise his work on the U.S.-Mexico border;
- thanked Putin for expelling American diplomats from Russia;
- signed a sanctions bill on Russia, but criticized Congress for passing it;
- condemned, then appeared to endorse, White House leaks;
- encouraged police brutality;
- shamed Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell;
- embraced an un-passable immigration plan;
- threatened war with North Korea;
- told the Guam governor that nuclear war would help the island with help tourism;
- been contradicted by a top aide on whether the United States is considering military action in North Korea;
- said there was violence on "both sides" at white supremacist rally and refused to condemn white supremacy;
- denounced white supremacy;
- said there were "fine people" among the white supremacists;
- compared George Washington to Robert E. Lee;
- shamed CEOs who leave his business council;
- considered a pardon for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio;
- promoteed his own winery when asked about Charlottesville;
- spread debunked urban legend about famed U.S. general during terrorist attack in Barcelona; and
- been criticized by Democrats, Republicans, own staff, former presidents, world leaders and the Pope.
Whew. One month. And just top it off, here's one more thing to keep in mind: The Trump presidency is less than seven months old.