Everything You Need To Know About ‘Arrested Development’ Season 4 Before New Episodes Drop

Arrested Development fans know that, especially for a comedy, it's a complicated show to follow. The more you rewatch the series, the more long-running goofs and Easter egg jokes you'll get. And while that structure makes Arrested Development the classic that it is, it can be hard to fully enjoy if it's been a while since you've visited with the Bluths. So before Netflix drops Arrested Development Season 5 Part 1 on May 29, it's worth your time to catch up on what happened in Arrested Development Season 4.
Season 4's timeline is convoluted, to say the least. Because of the cast's busy schedules ("logistics issues," according to The Hollywood Reporter), Arrested Development's fourth season originally focused on one character per episode, as opposed to the ensemble scenes of the previous three seasons. However, the 2018 "Fateful Consequences" remix, which stretched the original 15 episodes into 22 and included new voiceovers from Ron Howard, took those storylines and put them in chronological order. For that reason, the remix is much easier to follow, and while the re-cut wasn't really necessary, it was an unexpected blessing for many viewers. Still, as these episodes are premiering five years after Season 4 first aired, you may need a refresher on where we last left each member of the Bluth family.
Buster Bluth
After the Army revokes their "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, Buster re-enlists — although he doesn't understand what the policy means. The youngest Bluth is then put in a room where he remote controls drones, which he believes is just a video game. Buster later receives a monster hand to replace his monster hook, but he has difficulty controlling it.
He is then taken in by the politician Herbert Love's (Terry Crews) family, who tout him around as evidence of how the military is treating its veterans. He's eventually kicked out by Mrs. Love, for whom he has complicated feelings.
Michael Bluth
The second-eldest Bluth son falls in love with a woman named Rebel Alley (Isla Fisher), but as with most Arrested Development storylines, there is some miscommunication. He first thinks she's Ron Howard's mistress, but it turns out that she's actually his illegitimate daughter. What Michael also doesn't know is that his son, George Michael, is also dating Rebel. Michael is last seen in Season 4 right after his son punches him in the face.
George Michael Bluth
After returning home from a study abroad to Spain where he has a sexual awakening and grows a troubling mustache, George Michael rebrands himself as George Maharis. Maharis is an up-and-coming tech maven who has developed a promising privacy software called Fakeblock... but it's really just a wood block app George Michael created with his college roommate, P-Hound.
Tobias Fünke
In an attempt to solve their marital problems, Tobias and Lindsay buy a mansion ("that way we'll have it!") before the housing collapse. After hoping for ANUSTART, Tobias meets a methadone addict named DeBrie (Maria Bamford), who was in a terrible version of The Fantastic 4. They try and capitalize on her fame, but are instead arrested for copyright infringement.
Tobias is then mistaken for a sex offender and and has to become a therapist at Lucille 2's (Liza Minnelli) rehab clinic. There, he reunites with DeBrie, and they put on a Fantastic 4 musical for the Cinco de Cuatro festival.
Lindsay Bluth Fünke
After reading part of Eat. Pray. Love., Lindsay becomes inspired and travels to India, where Maeby, disguised as a shaman, tells her that love is right where she found it.
Lindsay returns home and runs off with Marky Bark (Chris Diamantopoulos), a social justice warrior with face-blindness. She then becomes involved with the sleazy, conservative politician Herbert Love, who mistakes her for a prostitute.
Gob Bluth
Gob goes on quite a journey in this fourth season. After accidentally proposing to Mae Whitman's Ann Veal (her?), he announces on her dad's TV show, And As it Is Such, So Also As Such Is It Unto You (which is the greatest name of all times), that he is going to perform a magic trick at their wedding. However, it doesn't work, and he is found several weeks later in a locked storage container.
He is later kicked out of pop star Mark Cherry's (Daniel Amerman) entourage, then tries to get revenge on his magical nemesis, Tony Wonder (Ben Stiller). However, they both end up believing that they've fallen for each other.
George Bluth Sr.
George Sr. plans to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S. (why does that sound familiar?), so he buys the land where his twin brother Oscar and his deadbeat friends live. The wall project is put on hold because of the economy, and he starts a scam with Oscar where they charge businessmen insane mounts of money for lemonade after sitting in a sweat lodge.
Lucille Bluth
The Bluth matriarch is put in jail — albeit, the nice, Orange County Correctional Facility L.I.T.E. (or, Ladies Internment Terrace Enclave) — after being rescued from the capsized Queen Mary. In jail, she joins an influential prison gang, then goes to Lucille 2's rehab clinic before going to the Cinco de Cuatro festival.
Maeby Fünke
Maeby repeats her senior year five times to try and get her parents' attention. *Narrator voice* It doesn't work. She also tries to monetize George Michael's Fakeblock idea, but he fires her when she takes it too far. By the end of the season, she's about to receive her Opie Award, which everyone knows means you're done in Hollywood.
So if you're planning on watching Arrested Development's new season, you're all caught up now on the Bluth's latest shenanigans. Grab yourself a juice box, some hot ham water and a mayon-egg before settling in for Season 5.
Editor's note: Season 5 is controversial due to the presence of Jeffrey Tambor, who was fired from Transparent after being accused of sexual harassment by two co-stars (he denies these claims); he also admitted to and apologized for verbally harassing Jessica Walter on the Arrested Development set in a recent New York Times piece. Co-stars Jason Bateman, David Cross, Will Arnett and Tony Hale were criticized for seeming to defend Tambor and minimize Walter's experience, in the same interview. Bateman, Cross, and Hale have since apologized.