The 2017 August full moon, also known as the Sturgeon Moon, the Wheat Cut Moon, the Moon When All Things Ripen, and the Blueberry Moon (according to the Farmer's Almanac), is a time to give thanks for abundance. But, what does the 2017 Sturgeon Moon mean for your sign? The 2017 Sturgeon Moon in Leo Aug. 7 coincides with the partial lunar eclipse in Aquarius, which is two weeks before the total solar eclipse Aug. 21 that occurs during Mercury Retrograde — so, yeah, it's a pretty big astrological event.
In general, lunar eclipses represent endings, and always happen in tandem with full moons. All signs of the zodiac can expect this to be an emotional time because, as Astrologer Susan Miller explained on Astrology Zone, "with all eclipses, something ends and something else begins."
"Once we go through an eclipse, we can never go back to the former situation again, for the universe wants us to make progress, not go back to good old days. That option is taken away, forever," Miller noted. "The only way with an eclipse is forward. If you find later you don’t like where you wind up, you can always have the option to make changes up ahead, but again, they must be future choices, not ones that bring you back to the past."
So, what do the 2017 lunar eclipse, and Sturgeon Moon — named by Native Americans for the best time to catch Sturgeon fish on the Great Lakes — mean for your sign?
Have some fracture friendships? For Aries, the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse is a time to settle issues with friends, or groups of people, or decide to walk away from groups that are no longer serving you, according to The Dark Pixie Astrology.
"You can focus more on your future and what you’ve hoped it would be like, and may be more realistic about what you can and can’t accomplish," The Dark Pixie Astrology explained. "If you’ve done things right, you can make progress with your dreams, but if the passion isn’t there, you may feel it’s time to move on."
Sometimes Taurus needs an anvil dropped on their head to see what's right in front of them. For stubborn Taurus, the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse could be an life-changing event, according to Darkstar Astrology. The full moon will illuminate the very foundations you have built your life upon.
"Did you parents like their work? Did they invest in you to live out their unfulfilled ambitions?" Darkstar Astrology encourage Taurus to ask. "If so, is the career you are in now a reflection of their aspirations rather than your soul-calling?"
For Taurus, this full moon and eclipse is a time to evaluate if you're on your truest path, or if you're living someone else's dream. Heavy stuff.
Gemini will experience a time of passion and expansion during the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse. The Dark Pixie Astrology noted that the twins have an opportunity to further connect to the beliefs they are passionate about, and disconnect from others. Additionally, Darkstar Astrology advised that this is a period of endless possibility.
"A lunar eclipse in the your house of expansion and higher learning pulls you out of your local box and throws you onto the vast plains of endless possibility. However it is through being too attached to your familiar, local area that you are forced out of your comfort zone and into culture shock!"
Gemini should embrace new possibilities but be prepared to feel a bit like a fish out of water. Remember, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.
If you feel like you've been in a cocoon all year, it's almost time to emerge as the butterfly you truly are. During the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse, Cancer-born people will experience a great transformation, though they may be totally unaware anything is happening.
"The lunar eclipse in the underworld of your chart is so mysterious that you might not even realize how much it has transformed you until three months thrice have passed," Darkstar Astrology noted. "The funny thing is, others around you can see the intensity or even the gravity of events that occur around you at this time, yet you are totally blind to it. You literally are in the dark."
Cancer, sit back and enjoy the ride as you shed your old skin and emerge bright and shiny for the second half of 2017.
The 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse is a time for Leo to examine partnerships and personal relationships. "Your personal identity is up for a revamp, one that expresses more truthfully how you feel inside," Darkstar Astrology noted. "The problem is every new thing that you express about yourself seems to shake up your partnerships. Watch as those who you have teamed up closely with for a long time start to feel really uneasy about your direction."
During the 2017 Sturgeon Moon Leo may say goodbye to friends or lovers whose time in your life has run its course, and Leo might become emotional. "You may see someone leave your life, and can be more emotional with others," The Dark Pixie Astrology explained. "You may be a little more indecisive as well, and work on making more compromises to keep the peace. You may feel you need more peace in order to feel secure emotionally."
Perfectionistic Virgos could see a turning point with their health during the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse. Darkstar Astrology explained that the Virgo may suddenly realize their subconscious mind has been affecting their health. Additionally, in addition to health issues, The Dark Pixie Astrology noted that the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse could bring work-related issues to light.
"You can finish up important work projects, get attention for work you’ve done the right way, or if you don’t care for the work you do, you may feel now is the time to move on and find something else."
The 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse could stoke the creative spirit for Libra. "A dissatisfaction with friendships could cause you to retreat into a fantasy world of creativity," Darkstar Astrology noted. "For the next three months, petty niggles with your peer group force you away into an environment that is more lighthearted and playful."
The Dark Pixie Astrology concurred that this is an especially creative time for balance-seeking Libra as well as a time to deepen spiritual practices and connections.
For Scorpio, the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse can be a time of uncertainty. "Your career circumstances have a great effect on your place of residence for the next three months," Darkstar Astrology noted. "There could be some unexpected development at work that causes you to move home or just spend more time in it than you usually do."
However this doesn't have to be a bad thing. The Dark Pixie Astrology explained that spending time close to home settling work and family issues is a positive step for Scorpio. "You can work to strengthen the foundation of something or of yourself, and you may make progress with something you’ve been working on from the ground up. "
Sorry Sagittarius, the school of hard knocks is calling and you've been enrolled. The 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse will be a time of difficult learning for Sagittarius, according to Darkstar Astrology. So, what will you learn while this cosmic class is in session?
"You can work on your communication and try to be more open with what you need to express," The Dark Pixie Astrology explained. "You may need to share something important, and you can work on being understood and listening more. You can be more mentally active, and you can find the right way to say what you feel."
Financial matters will be at the forefront for Capricorn during the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse. Whether it's detaching your self worth from money, or dealing with an unexpected expense, Capricorns will wading through money issues.
"You can settle financial issues, reap rewards for smart financial decisions, or work to bring more security in your life," The Dark Pixie Astrology explained. "If you feel more secure, you can feel more confident, and you may need to work on having greater stability, so you can focus on chaotic areas of life and work on calming things down."
The 2017 Sturgeon Moon in Leo and lunar eclipse in Aquarius will prove to be an introspective time for Aquarians. "A lunar eclipse in your own sign forces you to look at your own needs," Darkstar Astrology explained. "This may be done through relationships that suddenly start ‘acting-out.’ You may find it increasingly hard to compromise with partners, romantic or otherwise."
The Dark Pixie Astrology noted that the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse is when Aquarius's chickens come home to roost. "This is the ultimate reaping what you’ve down. You can see the hard and smart work you’ve done over the years rewarded, and you can make progress or are presented with opportunities. If you haven’t been responsible, hard-working, or focused, then you may experience major setbacks, and have to readjust the way you’re going about things."
Pisces will have the opportunity to break bad habits during the 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse. If you're not eating right, or doing other things that aren't making you feel good, Darkstar Astrology advised that this can be a time of undoing for the fish. The Dark Pixie Astrology noted that this is a good time to embrace your spiritual side.
"You may need to assess your life and the baggage you’ve been holding on to, and see what it is that’s holding you back. It can be an emotional experience, but it’s likely one you need to have. This can be a good time to get in touch with your spiritual self, strengthen your intuition, and get more time alone, needing more rest and time for reflection."