
This Month’s Full Moon Is All About Living Your Best Life

by Brittany Bennett
Brook Mitchell/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Whip out your full moon journal, lunar lovers. January's end of the month full moon is a triple threat. The full moon, which will rise in Leo, is also a super blood moon and a total lunar eclipse. It's a lot. But we'll breathe our way through this astrological event. It helps by understanding what it means when a full moon is in Leo. Prepare to take a show stopping bow before drawing the velvet curtains on what life has been like since Feb. 2017.

If you know a Leo, love a Leo, or are a Leo, you understand that the sign loves spotlight like a cat loves that warm spot in the sun. When the full moon is in Leo, all zodiac signs explore their spot in the light. For all zodiac signs, this lunar transit through Leo focuses on a central theme. According to Astro-Seek this could be interpreted as, "When you get into the spotlight, you may find yourself at a loss. Maybe you should admit your fear of criticism and your inability to accept criticism. It is very important to accept feedback and use it for improvement."

Life is all about accumulating lessons and learning from them. In obvious, instantaneous ways — like learning to have patience once you get burnt by a 450ºF degree sheet pan with the just baked cookies. And in long-winded, larger picture ways. Which is the route astrology tends to take. The Leo full moon and lunar eclipse will occur on Jan. 20-21 and will have you reflecting on what you've learned and how to move forth as this new-ish you.

This full moon in Leo marks the end of 5 eclipses occurring in Leo since Feb. 2017. Because Jan.'s full moon and lunar eclipse is the bookend of all those eclipses before it, it'll conclude and ~illuminate~ the life lessons we've learned since Feb. 2017. According to astrologer Chani Nicholas, "This eclipse helps us tap into, and explore, the potency of living out our potential when we allow our unique self-expression to surface and take flight." There's a creative energy in the air and you could be more confident than ever to live out your best life.

As full moons are all about the completion of a cycle, the brightness of the moon could shed some lunar light on things that no longer serve you. Which pairs well with this theme of learning lessons in relation to creative, expressive Leo. Say self-doubt has been holding you back from Instagramming that artwork you've been working on. Now may be the perfect time to let go of the negative thoughts that hold you back.

While this full moon and super blood moon and lunar eclipse may be heavy, digging up pains from lessons past — like that literally painful burn blister from that very hot sheet pan carrying cookies — consider it an astrological spa day. Forever Conscious writes, "It seems that all of us are being called to detoxify on a mind, body, and soul level before we can move through the rest of the year."

You've put in the work for almost the past two years on themes relating to creativity and self-expression and relationships (like the one with yourself). Now is the time to reflect on the lessons, the progress and move forward, making the changes that need to be made. Cookies taste better when they've had a little time to cool.