This New Tattoo Trend Will Hide Your Astrological Sign On Your Face

Freckles have been a huge trend in beauty this year. There's been stick-on freckles and makeup freckles, but the latest take on the freckle trend goes above and beyond — literally. AstroFrecks, which are the creation of cosmetic tattoo artist Jessica Knapik of Depot Town Tattoo in Ypsilanti, Michigan, are the beauty look that you've been waiting for. Knapik is tattooing star signs in her clients' freckles — and it's the most magical thing you'll see all day.
With the semi-permanent face art, Knapik hides any star sign in the design, making it look exactly like natural freckles. The tattooed freckles even fade over time to make them look more and more realistic.
"As many people are right now, I'm super into crystals and what your best intentions can do, and sending your goals and wishes out into the universe. So [the idea for Astrofrecks] just sparked from that," Knapik tells Bustle. "I also love things with hidden meanings. This way you could get your Mom's astrological sign, your Dad's, your Grandma's, and kind of pay tribute without getting a giant heart that says 'Mom.'"
The freckles are applied using cosmetic tattooing technique, which is different from average tattooing technique you are probably used to. It's a mix of different pigment, application, and tattooing techniques that is less harsh on the skin.
"Cosmetic tattoo artists are trained a little more in aesthetics — beauty, face shapes, brow shapes. Cosmetic tattooing is also semi-permanent, so this won't last forever," Knapik says of the freckles. "It's perfect for freckles, because the older ones will be more faint and the newer ones will be darker, exactly like real freckles. And if you're sick of it, you just stop getting touch-ups and go back to how your face was before."
So far, Knapik says she's only done one AstroFrecks tattoo — but with the image becoming more and more popular on Instagram, there's probably a lot more where that came from.
"I would love to do more," Knapik says. "I'm one of those people who can't just do things the easy way. I have to put my own spin on it. Yes, this does create a little more work and planning on my end, but it's totally worth it to do something unique and special for my client."
The tattoo artist says that nailing the perfect AstroFrecks look is all in the technique. Knapik says the philosophy is all about fluidity and making sure the placement of the freckles is not too methodical. She tries to make sure eveery single freckle is a different size, shape, and hue.
Before tattooing, Knapik swatches different colors on her client's face to get the right tone and makes sure to place them where the sun would naturally hit. Knapik has some advice for people looking to get the cosmic-designed tattoo, or eve just faux freckles in general.
"Do your research. Make sure the artist's photos don't look stolen from someone else," she says. "Make sure they are working at a licensed body art facility.
"And most importantly, make sure you go to a cosmetic tattoo artist," Knapik adds. "We use different machines, different ink, and different needles. Please don't let someone put giant doll freckles on you with a standard tattoo machine."
With an intergalactic concept this personalized, it's only a matter of time until you see galaxy themed freckles take over. They are truly out-of-this-world.