This One Zodiac Sign Will Experience The Most Roadblocks At Work During July’s Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is an astrological annoyance to all zodiac signs. The planet of communication has been retrograde since Jul. 7, and it won't turn direct until Jul. 31. While the adaptable Aquarius can make the most of any situation, this particular transit makes it hard to see the bright side. Don't worry, there are some silver linings. You just need to be aware of what Aquarius zodiac signs should and shouldn't do during Mercury Retrograde summer 2019. Because this planetary retrograde spares no sign. We're all vulnerable to the communication breakdowns and, let's be real breakdowns that follow.
Mercury will first be in your partnership sector before moving into your health and work sectors on Jul. 19. "You've been grinding a lot because your mind has been on matters of your work-life balance. With Mercury shaking things up, you're going to be thinking about ways you can bend it more to your will. Find the right flow," astrologer Kyle Thomas tells Bustle. You're going to continue your forward trek through work, you're going to continue to prioritize relationships — but because of Mercury, you're going to experience a few setbacks. However, you can make it work for you.
Don't let frustration take over. Instead, learn from this slow downed pace. There's a lot of power in the details that could propel you forward, Aquarius. Put your reading glasses on and get back to work.
Do: Get To Work Early
You have been the master of the 9 to 5 lately, dedicating yourself to the grind before dashing from your cubicle to nurture your social relationships. In order to maintain the balance, you might want to be flexible on those work hours. "Aquarians may find themselves knee deep with an unexpected workload," astrologer Linda Furiate tells Bustle. Allowing yourself extra time to get into work will ease any stress that may arise during this transit.
Don't: Be Impatient
Just when you feel like you're moving forward at work, Mercury goes retrograde and crucial meetings get pushed back. Important e-mails get lost in a pixelated universe. Conference calls don't get scheduled. Refrain from getting impatient. "There can be some mixed signals or crossed wires to manage. It can feel like just when you're revving up, communication breakdowns or slowdowns occur," Cafe Astrology wrote. Keep a stress ball by your desk. Staying patient and flexible will allow you to stay on top of — and in charge — of last minute changes.
Do: Revisit Your Past And Keep An Eye On The Details
Mercury retrograde is an ideal time to review the past. "Things may feel up in the air with health or work, particularly from the 19-31. Even so, you'll get the chance to see details that you overlooked in the past, and these can help you make better decisions later," Cafe Astrology wrote. It might feel frustrating to not take those big strides forward. But this slowed down time affords you the opportunity to learn from the past. Paying attention to the details will ultimately allow you grander steps in the very near future.
Don't: Neglect Your Wellness Routine
Cafe Astrology suggested that Aquarius may be vulnerable to health concerns under Mercury's backward motion — so, don't neglect your wellness routine. Even though things at work and on your social calendar may feel hectic, squeeze a yoga class in there. Ask your bestie to join you!
Do: Take A Chance
Mercury isn't the only planet at play here, Aquarius. Mars is lighting up your partnership sector until Aug. 18, making this the perfect time to network. "This summer’s retrograde season may test Aquarius to step outside of their cozy box," Furiate suggests. RSVP yes to an invite with work friends, even if the only thing you want to do is sit at home at watch the rest of Stranger Things 3. It could lead to exciting opportunities that you've been wanting to pursue.