Ah, the joy and freedom of a planet's direct motion after a long retrograde is hard to beat, isn't it? While many of us closely track Mercury retrograde periods with fear in our hearts (and spell check set to on), it's important to note that all the planets in astrology go through retrograde periods, and that each has a different effect on our lives. Uranus retrograde 2019-2020 began back in August 2019, and it's been raging ever since. But Uranus will be out of retrograde officially after a five-month run on Jan. 10 (the same day as 2020's first full moon!), so we can breathe a sigh of relief, as the planetary drama will start running that much smoother.
Bustle spoke with astrologer Kyle Thomas to get the scoop on what the end of Uranus retrograde will bring. "Uranus, the great awakener, is out of retrograde as of January 10th," Thomas shares. "It had been slowly sliding backward in the constellation of Taurus for many months." Taurus is a super grounded earth sign, ruled by aesthetic-lovin' Venus, so when Uranus is here, we're likely going to be thinking more about sensible shifts in our lives that will make things simultaneously more comfortable and beautiful.
And let's quickly talk about progressive, unpredictable planet Uranus itself, which is often known as "the great awakener" in astrology. "Uranus rules change, revolution, and at times chaos," explains Thomas to Bustle. "Everything about Uranus is surprising and unexpected. As a planet of brilliance and genius, it can impart tremendous blessings upon our lives if we are open to radical new ways of doing things." Uranus wants to shake up the norm, ditch all dusty outdated traditions, and embrace a more innovative, progressive future — but when it's retrograde, we see a bit of a slow-down in these areas that leaves room to make big plans.
During this last Uranus retrograde period, we likely felt more introspective when it came to the changes we want to make in our lives — and this is a good thing, because retrogrades are almost always better for reflection and planning vs. taking actions. "Now that we are welcoming Uranus' profound liberation back into our lives, you will be craving freedom in a specific area," shares Thomas.
Uranus is going direct just in time for the new year, so read on to find out exactly how each zodiac sign will feel the shift.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It's time to embrace a totally new way of approaching your values — both personally and financially. "Uranus will be moving direct in your income and finances sector, Aries. This will give you cutting-edge ideas on managing your money and generating new streams of it," explains Thomas. "Also, you have been noticing that your personal values are changing ... Release the values that no longer serve you so you can embrace a more liberated sense of self-worth."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
This year, you're asked to let go of every old, limiting pattern you cling to — it's time to kill your comfort zone. "You like things to stay the same and you appreciate your comfort zone. However, Uranus is telling you to embrace daring ideas and release all patterns that no longer serve you," shares Thomas. "Do not settle for 'just good enough' or for relationships and patterns that limit you. Fly free and break the cage. Express yourself vividly, Taurus, and the world will stand in awe of you."
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
A spiritual shift has taken place within you these past months, and now it's your job to learn to trust the new gifts you've been given. "You are being encouraged to face your innermost needs and the past with Uranus shaking things up," explains Thomas. "Your intuition and psychic abilities are emerging in ways you have never known in your lifetime and this will allow you to perceive things that others cannot yet comprehend ... Release traumas and nightmares that haunt you."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You've been given a great opportunity to bring people together and work with others to create the world you want. "Uranus now resides in your social sector and is bringing you many exciting and unique friends," shares Thomas. "You, too, are likely breaking out of your established circles and embracing a more spontaneous side. You are dreaming up big plans for the future and realizing that no matter how fantastic the dream is, you may be able to turn it into a reality."
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
With Uranus going direct, you're going to feel a sudden shift in the current when it comes to your career and professional life. "You love to be a trendsetter and have all eyes on you — and this is exactly what Uranus will bring when you harness your deepest creativity and challenge yourself," shares Thomas. "Think of profound new ways of doing things and revolutionize your industry [and] assess if now is the time to start turning your visionary ideas into tangible action."
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
It's time to expand your mind, your horizons, your comfort zone, and your passport stamp collection. "Uranus will be spinning magic within your sector of expansion, Virgo," explains Thomas "[I]f you embrace backgrounds, lifestyles, and countries much different than yours, you could find yourself forever changed. ... You have so much to learn during these coming years and the more you push yourself toward adventure, the greater your wisdom will grow."
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
"Partnership is always important to you, Libra, but you are finding fresh ways of looking at your established relationships," explains Thomas. Prepare to make adjustments in your interpersonal relationships, both platonically and romantically. "You may want things to be a bit more equal [in relationships] or to share the weight in a different way," he continues. "This could be a time where you release these inhibitions and accept new journeys rather than being stuck in old patterns."
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
"Uranus has been changing the way you form and stand within partnerships, Scorpio," explains Thomas. Expect the unexpected in life-changing ways when it comes to meeting new potential lovers or shaking things up with your current S.O. "Some Scorpios are being 'freed' from stale relationships to pursue new patterns rather than falling back on their same ways of doing things." continues Thomas. "If you open up to new ways of doing things, the connection will endure[.]"
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
"Your work life and health are seeing dramatic overhauls now, Sagittarius," explains Thomas. Situations regarding your well-being and quality of life have been on your mind over the past months, and now's the time to make the changes. "Your routine is being shaken up. You like change, so this is an easier evolution than it is for other zodiac signs," he continues. "Be sure to embrace the realizations so you can radically shift your fitness, health, or diet in better ways going forward."
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
"Capricorns are experiencing a powerful transformation when it comes to their creative and romantic lives," shares Thomas. "Embrace spontaneity and adventure in your love life, whether single or attached!" And it's not just romance that's thriving with Uranus direct – it's your creative life, too. "Capricorns could be coming up with some of the greatest creative ideas of their lifetimes now or embracing an entirely new hobby. Harness the lightning in a bottle – it is yours."
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
With Uranus direct, prepare for a shifting perspective on your idea of home. "Your home life and family sectors are experiencing a great deal of change now. This could see many Aquarians move many times over the coming years or see a lot of changes in their homes," explains Thomas. "If you want to alter the way your [familial] relationships have been, you could do so now with many happy results. If you’re hoping to travel with family, this could also be very fruitful and enlightening."
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Uranus direct is revving you up to learn and grow communication-wise. "Many Pisces will enjoy a great deal of short-distance travel over the coming years with many trips," shares Thomas. "All communications are favored for you now, too, so you could be coming up with some brilliant and creative strategies in marketing, writing, speaking, or social media, as well as being pulled toward expressing yourself more differently. Revamp your skills in these areas and you can see fantastic success."