12 Helpful Resources For Those Who Find Father's Day Difficult

In the UK and U.S., Father's Day falls on June 21. Leading up to this time, it's likely that shops will become filled with cards and presents asking you to think of your dad, articles will be publishing with roundups of the best dad gadgets, and pictures will be shared of families in honour of the holiday. However, Father’s Day isn’t a joyful occasion for everyone. Whether your dad has passed away or isn’t around anymore, or your relationship is strained in some way, Father’s Day can be a really tough time. With that in mind, below are some resources to check out if you find Father’s Day particular difficult.
While Father’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate dads (biological, chosen, or otherwise) that are present and caring, it can be hard not to feel like you’re getting left behind if you’ve not had that same experience with yours. Working through feelings of loss, resentment, disappointment, and loneliness can be hard at the best of times, but when an entire day is dedicated to the thing that's causing you anguish, it can become really suffocating. Everyone copes with hardship differently but if you find talking to to someone or reading advice from others who are have gone through the same thing helpful, then here are some bereavement and counselling resources that focus on familial loss and complicated relationships.
Cruse Bereavement Care is one of the leading charities in the UK supporting people who have lost loved ones. Their aim is to give everyone someone to talk to during periods of grief and they have a helpline that is open 24/7.
Hope Again
Hope Again is part of Cruse Bereavement Care but its focus is helping young people understand and work through grief. It offers a space for people to talk to people around their age about their situation and read stories of other people who have been through a similar thing.
Sudden supports people who have lost a loved one suddenly. This may include through a fatal accident, a crime, or a natural disaster. They offer free information and advice to people coping with grief as well as a helpline.
Mind is one of the leading mental health charities in the UK. They raise awareness for mental health conditions and offer advice to those suffering. Dealing with loss, whether that’s death or loss of a relationship, takes a massive emotional toll, so having someone to talk to can be incredibly comforting, and Mind's 24/7 service is available for exactly that.
The Bereavement Trust
The Bereavement Trust was originally set up to help those affected by the Hillsborough and Kegworth air disasters. The trust's founder, Reverend David Stoter, saw a need for bereavement support during the evenings, as they can be a particularly difficult time, especially in the autumn and winter, when the weather can also affect our mood. Now the Bereavement Trust operates a national helpline, which is open in evenings on every single day fo the year.
Option B
Option B is an online platform that has brought together resources and tools to help support people who have lost loved ones, either through death or a relationship breakdown. They share information from experts as well as personal stories.
Marie Curie
Marie Curie not only helps provide care for people with terminal illnesses but it supports their families too. Father’s Day can be incredibly tough if your dad isn’t well. Marie Curie run a Talkabout section on their website, where people can their stories and connect with one another.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
Loss is incredibly complicated and Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide brings together resources, a helpline, and support groups for people who have had a loved one take their own life. It tackles the stigma and isolation associated with suicide as well as offering practical advice.
At A Loss
At A Loss offers a comprehensive list of bereavement services and resources in the hope that no one has to go through grief alone. It works with 18-30 year olds to better understand loss as well as running a live chat feature on their website so you can speak to someone one-on-one whenever you need to.
The Loss Foundation
The Loss Foundation offers help to people who have lost a close one to cancer. Their website outlines the way you might be feeling and why and they run events to bring together people who have been through similar experiences.
Samaritans is a charity that helps anyone in emotional distress. They have a national free helpline and volunteers who are trained to assist people in need, listen, and point them in the direction of help. Whether you’ve lost your dad or have a painful relationship, the Samaritans are a listening ear.
Relate is one of the leading charities in the UK providing relationship support and counselling. Their website has lots of resources for dealing with difficult family members and traumatic experiences. They also run web-cam therapy sessions and have a live chat function.