Another day, another Kylie Cosmetics sell-out. This time, the Kylie Cosmetics Kylighter sell-out was the culprit when it comes to making her fans suffer while they wait for a restock announce. Twitter reactions to the Kylighter sell-out, though, prove that one absolutely needs to happen so that fans of both Jenner and her brand don't lose it. From French Vanilla to Chocolate Cherry, every shade from lightest to darkest is gone, and considering that highlighters seem to be one of the biggest trends in makeup, the intense Twitter reaction to the sell out is proof enough that a restock should be in order.
The Kylighters were actually so popular that YouTube gurus NikkieTutorials and Jaclyn Hill took to their Snapchat accounts to lament not being able to pick up their hues of choice. Really, if your favorite gurus can't even get their hands on the much-coveted Kylighter, what hope is there for we mere mortals? It seems as though our fate is left in the hands of Kylie Jenner and her restocking powers.
However, if I had to guess, a restock is well on its way. Jenner isn't exactly one to deny her fans what they want — after all, she's practically the giveaway queen. While a Kylighter restock hasn't been announced yet, if Jenner checks out Twitter, she'll easily see that one needs to happen.
1. Some Fans Were Just Straight Angry.
Honestly, that is frustrating.
2. Some Famous Fans Are Even Bummed.
NikkieTutorials — the queen of highlight — will slay if a restock happens.
3. There May Be Actual Tears.
Don't let your fans suffer, Kylie!
4. Some Fans Never Really Stood A Chance.
Clearly, a restock during non-work hours is necessary.
5. Missing It Is A Major Life Event
Someone get the sympathy cards ready.
6. Questions for Restocks Are Beginning
7. Actual Begging May Occur
Clearly, the Kylighter restock needs to happen as soon as possible. If Twitter is any indication, fans needs it, and that glow waits for no man (or woman).