Peter's Mom Summed Up Every Emotion Bachelor Nation Had During That Wild Finale

Everyone knew who Barb was rooting for going into the Bachelor finale but Peter's mom's face during the After The Final Rose was almost more than Bachelor Nation could handle. Fans on Twitter couldn't help but notice — ABC had her face in a little corner box for most of the night after all — that Barb was not having her son's wishy-washy behavior throughout the night. When Hannah Ann ended her and Peter's engagement after he admitted that he couldn't love and commit to her 100%, Barb's reactions indicated that she was Team Hannah Ann. And it only got worse from there.
Barbara Weber isn't one to hide her emotions. She was overly intense when it came to insisting that Peter propose to Hannah Ann during the first night of the two-part Bachelor finale. And she was absolutely thrilled when she heard that Peter was engaged to Hannah Ann (and not Madi). Barb instantly started calling Hannah Ann her daughter and when Peter FaceTimed his fiancée, Barbara proclaimed to her, "We love you and miss you" — even though she had just met Hannah Ann for the very first time a week beforehand.
Twitter Could Not Handle Barb's Bias Towards Hannah Ann
If Harrison's warnings that Peter's ending would be "gut-wrenching" had been too subtle, Barbara's face in the live audience was more than enough of a clue that things weren't going to end well for Peter and Hannah Ann.
Barb was even featured in a picture-in-picture screen throughout the entire episode. Twitter was very aware that her reactions would mean everything.
Peter's Mom's Face Says It All
Due to her facial reactions, Barb seemingly fully sided with Hannah Ann during the breakup. As the night went on and Hannah Ann came on the stage to confront Peter, Barb even appeared to more brazenly support her son's ex-fiancée over her own son, which led fans started to wonder what this means for the future of Peter, his mom, and her could-have-been "daughter" Hannah Ann.
Barb had seemed pretty annoyed during the segment when Harrison encouraged Madi to go see Peter in California. And while Barb didn't get the chance to articulate her feelings on the Peter and Hannah Ann breakup, Harrison did offer Mama Weber the chance to explain why she was so pro-Hannah Ann and not pro-Madison after Madi and Peter had reunited and proclaimed their love for one another on the live stage.
Again, not one to mince words, Barb said the family really didn't connect with Madison like they had with Hannah Ann. She also accused Madi of not compromising in a relationship like Hannah Ann had been willing to, which led to the Bachelor tide to turn on Barb. Very notably, she also took zero responsibility for potentially pushing her son into proposing to Hannah Ann when he was clearly in love with another woman.
Some Felt Barb Had Too Much To Say About Peter's Decision
Even with Madi and Peter highlighting their commitment to one another, Barb commented that none of his family and friends think their relationship will work. Barb was still holding onto the fact that they have different lifestyles, as Madi's focus on her religion had been a big hurdle for Peter's mom. And she wasn't budging. After Madi rightfully said that she had her right to advocate for her own feelings in the relationship and Harrison tried to make amends, Barb still proclaimed, "Chris, he's going to have to fail to succeed," about her son's love life.
In the end, the main villain of Peter's season might end up being his own mother. She has divided fans following the finale since fans seem to either love her, hate her, or loves-to-hate her. But even if Barb seems disenchanted with the franchise now, she sure looked stoked to follow Clare's season. And maybe that's enough for anyone to believe in the Bachelor Nation "process."