Trader Joe’s Now Sells An Organic Rosé For Less Than $5 A Bottle

Trader Joe’s never fails to come up with some truly great snacks, meals, and treats; from their seriously scrumptious Dark Chocolate Honey Mints, to those amazingly authentic Cauliflower Gnocchi — which I even hesitate to mention because they keep selling out of them, but, you’re welcome. In a nutshell, Trader Joe's is unceasingly reliable for sourcing some really delicious and affordable foods. Now, and just in time for Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial official start of summer, the mega popular grocery chain is launching organic wines from Charles Shaw, including a rosé that's literally only $3.99. Let that sink in: a bottle of organic rosé for less than the price of a fancy latte.
This is also the first of Trader Joe’s wines to be made with organic grapes, PopSugar reports. And since delicate-skinned grapes top the Environmental Working Group's (EWG's) pesticide-laden dirty dozen produce list, buying organic just makes sense. Buying affordable organic wine, though? That's pretty much a revelation worth celebrating with shameless and unbridled glee.
According to TJ’s Fearless Flyer announcement, the new line of organic Charles Shaw wines are made with 100 percent organic grapes — because just partially organic won’t do — and were created in response to customer requests. The Fearless Flyer also reports that “because grapes are crops and crops take time to cultivate,” these wines have actually been in the works for quite some time now — lest you think your cries for organically produced varietals had gone unheeded until the year of our lord 2018. And not only is this soon-to-be-a-staple-in-my-kitchen the absolute loveliest shade of Instagrammable pink, it boasts an adorable twist off cork that you can use to reseal the bottle — though, get a few people together and you could pretty easily finish a bottle of this wine in one sitting. In addition to the new rosé, Charles Shaw also created a pinot noir and cabernet sauvignon for the new organic wine rollout — though there’s no doubt that a crisp, chilled rosé is totally perfect for summer.
Trader Joe’s has long been known for its expansive collection of affordably priced wines, but an organic wine for just $3.99? That’s pretty much unheard of, though with its California Roots Rosé priced at a cool five bucks, Target comes in at a close second. Regardless, Trader Joe’s keeps upping the game with creating affordable wines that are actually good, and the new Charles Shaw Organic Wines promise to be a hit. Loyal TJ's shoppers are expressing some pretty mad social media joy over the new boozy rollout, and celebratory pics of the highly drinkable pink wine abound.
I definitely rely on the super charming chain for wonderful noshables like cheap organic avocados, some bafflingly delicious dried pineapple rings (seriously, how are they so good?), a totally-not-too-shabby Green Dragon Hot Sauce — because Sriracha-style hot sauces should go on everything, and super affordable almond milk. And, because TJ's is clearly manned by wonderful people, they even boast reasonably priced recycled paper products, and cruelty-free cleaning supplies, too.
So whatever your summertime plans may be, the new Charles Shaw Wines at Trader Joe's are clearly a game-changer; not only are they perfect for a weekend barbecue or wedding shower, these make the perfect hostess gifts, too. I mean, who doesn’t like the idea of organic wine? Sipping on a dry rosé while feeling like I’m doing something, like, healthy and socially responsible actually sounds pretty wonderful. So grab your favorite bottle, or several, of these amazingly priced wines, and get to celebrating, beaching, and generally enjoying these long-awaited and hard-won summer days. And speaking of that Cauliflower Gnocchi, it would pair pretty beautifully with a chilled glass of dry rosé, dontcha think? Just promise to save me some next time.