Tom Holland Proves His Loyalty To Marvel

Well, in case acting becomes too much of a slog, Tom Holland, the handsome Brit who's the newest chap to play Spider-Man, should consider a second career with MI6. Proving his loyalty to Marvel Studios, Holland burned his Avengers: Infinity War script and posted the video to Instagram. One might assume that Holland wanted to keep everything on public record, ensuring a clean nose in the matter, by putting up the video on a social media platform. While the video itself is actually pretty amusing, it kind of makes you wonder what was happening in Holland's life that he forgot to actually hand in his script to the Marvel powers-that-be. Was he too busy joking around with fellow Avenger Iron Man, er, I mean Robert Downey Jr.? Or, there's a good chance he was involved in a "Who's More Handsome?" contest with Chris Pratt aka Star-Lord.
Holland started off the video by reiterating the seriousness of what was about to occur with a minor preface: "Marvel like to keep everything secret, so to all the producers who are probably freaking out because I forgot to hand in my script, here is evidence that I am destroying it." But wait, it got so much better.
Holland proceeded to casually flash his script — which was folded hotdog-style to prevent any words from being seen — to prove he had it. He then threw it into a nearby fireplace which was crackling away. And that was it; it was curtains for those sweet, sweet Infinity War spoilers.
To be fair, a teaser video from the set of Infinity War dropped earlier in February and definitely stoked the fandom fire of excitement in the process. So Holland will live to see another Marvel film set and we, the loving fans, will just have to cool our heels until the film actually premieres.