
Missing The Eclipse? These Time-Lapse Videos Are Like Experiencing It All Over Again

by Maddy Foley
Jamie Squire/Getty Images News/Getty Images

When The Great American Eclipse swept through the continental United States on Aug. 21, it felt, for a few hours, like the whole country had been put on pause as millions turned their attention to the sky. But if you missed the eclipse, or just wanted to catch a glimpse of it in totality, there are tons of timelapse photos and videos of the 2017 solar eclipse to soothe your FOMO.

For the first time in nearly 100 years, a total solar eclipse, which occurs when the moon moves directly between the earth and the sun, was visible coast-to-coast in the United States. The eclipse's "path of totality," a 70-mile wide swath of land with the best views, ran from coastal Oregon to South Carolina, with the true ~pinnacle of celestial brilliance~ occurring in Hopkinsville, Kentucky around 1:30 p.m. EST. Hopkinsville, as well as spots in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina were swarmed by hoards of eclipse chasers, eager to experience a truly once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

Though the full eclipse time, from the moment the moon began to inch its way over the sun to the second it seemingly left the sky, generally ran around an hour, the moment of totality was under three minutes.

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