This Woman's Eyelashes Are Apparently The Longest In The World & They're Honestly Shocking
If you remember flipping through the classroom copy of the Guinness Book of World Records as a kid, you know how many unusual, amazing, disturbing records there were to marvel at within those hallowed pages. Even though times have changed and those Scholastic elementary school book fairs are sadly no longer a part of our lives, Guinness World Records live on, and they're here to remind you that they're just as insane as you remember. A standout in this year's awards? The world's longest eyelash, measuring a ridiculous five inches long. No falsies here.
The proud owner of these lashes is You Jianxia, who hails from Shanghai, China. Born in 1968, these babies have been growing for 50 years. The award-winning lash in particular is grown on her upper left eyelid, and it measures exactly 4.88 inches (or 12.4 centimeters).
Granted, because people don't have to trim their eyelashes anyway (they normally stop growing at a certain point, which anyone who's ever embarked on a quest for longer lashes knows), Jianxia's nearly five-inch lashes are very peculiar.
She, for one, credits her long AF lashes with the time she's spent being "one" with nature. She said she first noticed the lash growing during 18-month nature retreat that began in 2013. So, no, this isn't the next big beauty aisle product we're talking about. (And if this potential miracle of nature could be bottled, you'd better believe it'd be the biggest beauty innovation of the year — nay, the decade.)
The lash in question was measured in Changzhou, Jiangsu, China, on June 28, 2016 (these details are important, heaven forbid she accidentally pulled it out — you'd imagine she'd get a pretty good wish out of that megalash, though).
Here's a look at the ludicrous lashes. Fair warning — this is not your average curled lash look.
Of course, you can't talk about astounding beauty titles in the Guinness World Records without cringing at one of the most time-honored traditions in the book: the coveted award for longest fingernails on a pair of hands. And yes, it is as crazy-looking as it sounds.
This year, the winner is Ayanna Williams, who is from Houston, Texas. She's 60 years old, and she's been growing them out for about 23 years now. And certainly not to no avail — with the individual measurements added together, the nails are a collective 18 feet, 10.9 inches long (or 576.4 centimeters). That average out to about 22.69 inches per nail, but she shares that the thumb is the longest. (Do with that what you will.) Naturally, everyday tasks take a little longer with nails like these.
Just try not to gasp when you watch her tap 'em together at the beginning of this video.
And you thought your nails took too long to do — Williams' nails can take an entire week to paint and polish the way she wants them, she says.
Another hair-raising record this year goes to Benny Harlem with the tallest high top fade. The 26-year-old lives in Los Angeles, California, and apparently his 20.5-inch tall style can take more than two hours to style. (Now that's some serious dedication.)
Between Jianxia's eyelash record, Williams' nail record, and Harlem's high top fade record, there's no shortage of and mind-boggling beauty stats in the Guinness World Records this year.
It just goes to show that whether you aspire to have the longest nails or eyelashes ever or you'll settle for just mastering the perfect cat eye or fishtail braid, you can achieve any beauty goal you set your mind to with dedication and a lot of patience.