Not everyone loves the maintenance or cost of lash extensions, and some are just straight up allergic to the process. Thankfully, that's what false lashes are for. But sometimes, they can cost a pretty penny. Now, though, there's a false eyelash hack that will turn those cheap drug store falsies into the lush, wispy lashes of your dreams. No, this hack isn't a dream itself. It's actually real, and the internet seems to be shaking over the development.
Over the weekend, Twitter users began to retweet a video showing a woman using a spoolie to brush out false lashes. As it turns out, she was separating the synthetic hairs of a pair of clunky, seemingly cheap lashes and turning them into the next best thing to your Lilly, Huda Beauty, and House of Lashes falsies. Big claims, yes, but this hack totally seems to live up to the hype.
The trick needs to be done while lashes are still inside their packaging, and it takes a some finessing and several brush strokes, but a video doesn't lie. This hack works. Plus, if you're purchasing ultra affordable false lashes from your local CVS, who cares if it takes a little practice to get the hack down pat, right? After all, in the long run, it's going to save you some serious cash. Your wallet may just be crying from joy instead of pain.
So as soon as the internet saw what was possible with just a spoolie and some cosmetic magic, they were blown away.
Who is the brilliant mind behind your new go-to false lack hack? Her name is Paloma Garcia, and she's a makeup artist from Mexico. Now, she's internet famous thanks to the hack. One of the best parts about it? It doesn't involve contouring with spoons, blending foundation with eggs, or using a condom for anything whatsoever.
Beauty guru NikkieTutorials caught site of Garcia's hack, and is clearly shaken up by all the cash she's probably spent on expensive (though gorgeous) falsies.
As for Jackie Aina, she's insisting that we're evolving, and if this is evolution, we need more of it. Someone figure out a way to fill in sparse brows in seconds, please.
Beauty vloggers weren't the only people who saw the video from Garcia and fell in love with the hack. Pretty much everyone who saw it immediately jumped on board.
False lash wearers are ready to save that cash (to probably spend on other products, but hey, no one is perfect, right?)
Others seem to have already tried the hack, and it works. Goodbye, expensive falsies, hello more money for mimosas at Sunday brunch.
People are already testing out the hack on Twitter, and it totally works. Say goodbye to stiff synthetic lashes and hello, to wispy masterpieces that just want to call your lash line home.
Is this actual magic? Can you call magic a hack? Maybe this is more of a spell everyone has just learned how to cast so we can all save up for whatever the next major beauty launch is.
Time to raid the beauty aisle at your local drugstore because you've got the keys to the beauty kingdom, and it's all yours now.
People are taking notes. Their lashes deserve it.
Head out to your local drugstore or Target confidently. Buy those Elf Cosmetics eyelashes. Add those inexpensive falsies on Amazon to your cart. You're now a proud makeup lover who knows how to transform stiff lashes into wispy magic.