While Beyoncé and JAY-Z have achieved a level of super-stardom like no other, that doesn't mean they don't take inspiration from fellow celebrities. Or at least, that's what this one tweet about Beyoncé and JAY-Z's twin names thinks they did. As hilariously pointed out by Sam Rullo, Elite Daily's senior operations editor, one of Bey and Jay's rumored baby names has serious Kimye vibes. And once you read the tweet, you won't be able to not see the similarity.
On Friday, TMZ announced that Beyoncé and JAY-Z reportedly named their twins Rumi and Sir Carter. (Bustle reached out to the couple's reps, but did not receive an immediate response.) It's the latter name that feels reminiscent of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's son's name. As Rullo tweeted, "Sir Carter is a ripoff of Saint West don't @ me."
Come on, Sir Carter and Saint West definitely give off a similar vibe. They're formal titles thrown right in front of the boys' last names — as if they don't even need any other introduction. While Sir is more regal, and Saint has religious undertones, the feeling is the same. There's a sense of strength to both monikers that you can't deny.
As you probably already know, there seems to be a never-ending friendly rivalry between the Carter and West families. Whether it's because JAY-Z and Kanye West are two of the biggest rappers alive, or just because the couples are easily among Hollywood's most famous, they're viewed as competitors — even if it's just fans' perception.
So, the notion that Bey and Jay could've taken name inspiration from the Kardashian-West family is bound to make some fans smirk. And, you know, secretly believe it must be true.