You Can Buy This Heart-Shaped Valentine's Day Cake For One At Walmart

Valentine's Day is six days away, so it's time to get your plans in order, whatever those plans may be. You could go on a date, you could watch those episodes of Real Housewives of New Jersey you're behind on, you could do some online shopping, and/or you could have a "Perfect Size" Valentine's Day cake for one... or for two... or for one, but divided over two trips to the kitchen. Choice is yours.
There are a lot of food Instagram accounts out there putting in work when it comes to sharing the latest seasonal snacks and sweets to hit supermarket shelves, and one of them, Three Snackateers, just posted about Duncan Hines' Perfect Size cake kit. The package includes a six-inch heart-shaped pan, red velvet cake mix, and chocolate glaze mix.
Three Snackateers saw the cake kit at Woodman’s in Carpentersville, Illinois. It's hard to track down exactly where else these can be found, as they're not listed on the Duncan Hines site, but they either were (or still are) available some at Walmart and Key Foods locations.
Basically, if you want one, just check out the baking section of your grocery store and it might be there. If it's not, Duncan Hines has many more varieties in its Perfect Size line, they just aren't heart-shaped. The Duncan Hines site lists nine other Perfect Size options. There's a cheesecake. There's a Strawberries and Crème Cake. There's a Golden Fudge Cake (that's yellow cake with chocolate frosting).
The thing about the Perfect Size collection is that it's available in addition to the Perfect Size For 1 line. This begs the question: What is a Perfect Size cake perfect for? The brand says, "Duncan Hines Perfect Size cakes are just the right size for 2 to 4 people." But yet, the serving size on some of the cakes is listed as 1/5 of the package. And, surely, some people will want to enjoy 5/5 of the cake. Maybe it's this ambiguity that is part of the fun of a Perfect Size cake. Who knows where the night will take you.
As for that Perfect Size For 1 line — the one that leaves no room for confusion or sharing — it comes in 25 different varieties, from breakfasts to brownies to cakes. These are all meant to be made in a mug in the microwave, with each box coming with four mix packets. Flavors include Mocha Cake, Walnut Brownie, Confetti Cake, and the Valentine's Day appropriate Red Velvet Cake.
Looking for another perfect sized heart-shaped gift for yourself (or someone else, if that's what your into) this year? Cinnabon has a heart-shaped container of mini cinnamon buns. Target is selling a kit to make a heart-shaped Reese's Peanut Butter Cup cookie or a Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate cookie. Three Snackateers points out that Aldi has a Brioche Heart with Chocolate Chips that is imported from France.
There's a lot to choose from when it comes to what you're going to eat while watching reruns of Friends next Thursday and that includes what you choose "Perfect Size" means to you.