The New 'House Of Cards' Trailer Puts An End To "The Reign Of The Middle-Aged White Man"

The name might be the same, but this President Underwood is refusing to be held accountable for her husband's misdeeds. In the new trailer for the final season of House of Cards, President Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) is breaking free of the "reign of the middle aged white man." And in some ways, the Netflix series is doing the same in its first season without Kevin Spacey, who was terminated after multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment, most publicly by Anthony Rapp, who accused Spacey of assaulting him when he was a teenager. (Spacey has denied those claims and others.)
Now that Spacey is no longer the star of House Of Cards, the show is officially Claire's world, and everyone else is just living in it, whether they like it or not. And it's clear from this trailer, the Underwoods' many enemies definitely don't. Frank Underwood may have been killed off, but what he's done hasn't been forgotten and Claire will have to try and make amends with all those people he's burned. But, Claire's no saint and she'll also have to earn the trust of those she's double crossed during her time in Washington. Her life may just depend on it.
"It's going to be different for you and me," Claire tells a crowd of servicemen in the clip. She's there talking about her first 100 days in office, which by her own admission, have been difficult. But, she's ready to start over after losing her husband of 30 years and carve out her own space. "Here's the thing," she says standing at a podium staring into the camera. "Whatever Francis told you the last five years, don't believe a word of it."
Claire has always been good at playing the game, sometimes even better than her husband ever was. But, with so many wanting to take her down for the crimes of her husband — and a few of her own — it's hard to see how she'll emerge form this season unscathed. But, after watching Claire flash that dead eye stare after pretending to be a grieving wife with mascara running down her cheeks, it's clear no one should count her out.
Last season ended with Frank Underwood having to resign after some of his evil deeds — the Chinese money laundering scandal that took down his predecessor, and the death of Kate Mara's Zoe Barnes – went public. In the final moments of the Season 5 finale, Claire gave her first speech as POTUS, turning to the camera to let the world know, "My turn."
In this final season of House of Cards, fans will get to see what Claire actually does with her "turn." Based on the early trailers, she's building her own Washington army. This one, filled with women. The trailer features a shot that shows Claire in a White House conference room surrounded by only women, and another of and her palling it up with Diane Lane's Annette Shepard, a rich and powerful partner in crime (or a potential enemy). But just because Claire is surrounding herself with other women doesn't mean she trusts them. As Claire defiantly says in the trailer, "I'm not going to be told what to do anymore."
And so, while President Claire Underwood will have to stave off the enemies she and her late husband made, it's clear she's up for the job, which should make everyone very afraid.
If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, call the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) or visit online.rainn.org.