This NSFW Book A Grandma Accidentally Bought For Her 6-Year-Old Granddaughter Will Make Your Day
Even the roads paved with the best of intentions occasionally stray off the path, as was the case with this poor grandma who accidentally bought her granddaughter a NSFW picture book. But first, let's put ourselves in this poor woman's shoes for a moment: she sees an adorable picture book adorned with adorable little animal friends on it. She thinks to herself, "You know who likes animals? Everyone. That's who." So being the kind, considerate grandma she is, she buys said book without looking inside of it, because literally when has a book titled "If Animals Could Talk" set off any alarm bells that aren't related to the shenanigans Nigel Thornberry unwittingly put his family in every time they walked out of the RV?
Anyway, as it turns out, if animals could talk ... they'd sound a lot like your college friends at the five-year reunion just before last call at the bar. In other words, ridiculously frank, riddled with swear words, definitely drunk, and decidedly not safe for the ears of wee children whose bedtimes were long before they even got to the bar. The mom of the six-year-old recipient of this lovely gift posted a tweet of what they opened the book to find, which has since gone so viral that it is, honestly, the best PR this book could have ever received.
The book in question was actually inspired by the Tumblr blog “If _____ Could Talk,” co-written by authors Carla Butwin and Josh Cassidy. It went viral in 2014 for its witty captions and animal drawings, amassing which eventually manifested into this book that we were all gifted images of on Twitter this week. Although the authors live on opposite coasts, the pair met in Detroit as Junior Creatives and kept in touch, eventually collaborating to make this adorably NSFW legacy. Carla, an art director, draws the animals while Josh, a copywriter, pens animal jokes, aka a match made in adult hobby heaven.
The book was actually published in April 2016, which means most of us slept on this masterpiece before it went viral this week — and not a moment too soon. I can't decide if I'm proud or ashamed that of the shared images of the book, my reaction is mostly, "Same."
I personally feel a spiritual connection with that chick and may have been it in a past life, but I digress.
The tweet has created quite the sensation on Twitter, where people are, as the kids used to say, ROFLcoptering. (OK, fine, just the socially inept middle schoolers in 2003, but let me have this.) The question on everyone's mind, though: did we discover this little NSFW hiccup before or after the six-year-old got her hands on it?
Here's where the story goes from good to great.
Honestly, in today's ~meme culture~ I'm a little surprised that this kind of thing doesn't happen more often. We have, for instance, both NSFW coloring books and coloring books that are literally just calligraphy swear words. Another person on Twitter pointed out that even more blatantly inappropriate "board books" exist, even citing one book accidentally gifted by a different grandma titled Do You Want To Play With My Balls? (um, aca-scuse?).
The cherry on top of this all is that there is another book also titled If Animals Could Talk that goes in depth on scientific explanations of animal behavior, which are probably 80 percent more family-friendly than the comic version. But I think we can all agree that, grandma's intentions aside, we all needed a good laugh with these unsuspecting parents today. In the words of that chick, "Aight."