This Fox News Chyron Threw Shade At Trump & The Internet Is Here For It

"Trump: Eventually we will get something done." With perhaps more than a little schadenfreude, Twitter is loving this Fox News chyron that ran under President Donald Trump while he discussed the demise of the GOP's most recent effort to repeal the Affordable Care act.
"Was not prepared for this level of shade from Fox News," tweeted David Mack, a writer and editor with BuzzFeed News. "Chyron of the day?" asked Brian Stelter, CNN's senior media correspondent.
Twitter's joyous reception to the Fox News chyron came the day after two more GOP senators said they would vote against the Republican repeal-and-replace healthcare bill, which forced Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to concede defeat. “Regretfully, it is now apparent that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failure of Obamacare will not be successful," McConnell said after Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas announced that they would not support the bill.
Early Tuesday, McConnell and Trump both floated the option of repealing Obamacare — which has been a hallmark of the Republican platform since the ACA was passed — without an immediate plan for what would replace the healthcare law. "As I have always said, let ObamaCare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan. Stay tuned!" Trump tweeted.
However, that repeal-only plan quickly unraveled after three Republican senators said they would not vote in favor of such a strategy. (Given that the Republicans only have a slim majority of 52 seats in the Senate, the three "no" votes effectively rendered the repeal-only proposition dead.)
"I will only vote to proceed to repeal legislation if I am confident there is a replacement plan that addresses my concerns," tweeted West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito on Tuesday. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins also said they would vote against the bill. As Vox noted on Tuesday, the three female senators had been left out of initial planning discussions for the GOP's repeal-and-replace bill.
Whether or not the news alert text that is circulating on Twitter was indeed meant to throw as much "shade" at Trump, as some suggested, remains unclear. Bustle has reached out to Fox News for comment on the snarky chyron. Nonetheless, Twitter is certainly enjoying itself.
"The Trump presidency summarized in one @FoxNews chyron," tweeted journalist Rick Dunham.