If there's one thing I think most '90s kids could agree on back in the day (and even now, honestly), it's the fact that Flamin' Hot Cheetos are the best creation since sliced bread. And, if there's one thing every grown '90s kid — aka, someone over the age of 21 now — can agree on, it's that nothing beats a Bloody Mary during brunch. So, of course, someone had to come up with the genius idea to combine our previous loves and our currently loves in the best way possible. And combine they did: Center Hub Bar in Irvine, CA is offering Flamin' Hot Cheetos Bloody Mary drinks, and it's basically my (and I'm sure your) dream come true.
According to reports from lucky customers who have tried this magical concoction, the drink is a classic Bloody Mary with Flamin' Hot Cheetos dust lining the rim, and bits of actual Flamin' Hot Cheetos on top of the drink. Beautiful. There is, of course, also a lime wedge and a celery stick, because #class.
Unfortunately, it seems that Center Hub is the only place that's offering this Flamin' Hot Cheetos Bloody Mary, but that's not necessarily a bad thing: They created it, so obviously they're the ones doing it best. California isn't that far, right?
Honestly, I think it offers the best of all worlds: Alcohol, cheetos, and cheetos without leftover orange-dusted fingers. Sign me up, please.