Untangle All 3 Seasons Of Netflix's 'Dark' With This Helpful Timeline

Spoilers ahead for all three seasons of Dark. So you've finished the third and final season of Netflix's most addictive, most confusing sci-fi series, and you're still trying to keep the show's twisted chronology straight in your head? Thankfully, this comprehensive timeline of the events of Netflix's Dark will help you untangle the knot. But first, a few notes…
The events of Dark kick off on June 21, 2019 (the date of Michael Kahnwald's death).
- Season 1 primarily takes place five months later, on Nov. 4 (the date of Mikkel Kahnwald's disappearance) through Nov. 12 of 2019, and the corresponding dates in 1953, 1986, and 2052.
- Season 2 primarily takes place seven months later, on June 21 through June 27 of 2020 (the date of the apocalypse), and the corresponding dates in 1921, 1954, 1987, and 2053.
- Season 3 primarily takes place three months after that, on Sept. 21 through Sept. 25 of 2020, and the corresponding dates in 1888, 1921, 1954, 1987, and 2053.
There are three worlds in Dark. They'll be referred to here as the Prime world (the initial world introduced in Season 1), the Mirror world (the parallel universe introduced in Season 3), and the "Real" world (the third world revealed in the series finale).
- If not specified, events are taking place in the Prime world.
- Events in the Mirror world will be denoted in italics.
- Events in the "Real" world will be denoted in bold.
There are three versions of Jonas Kahnwald from the Prime world, and three versions of Martha Nielsen from the Mirror world. They will be referred to as follows:
- Jonas Kahnwald 1: the Jonas saved by Mirror Martha 1 in the final moments of Season 2. This Jonas is taken to the Mirror world, conceives The Origin with Mirror Martha, and is killed shortly thereafter.
- Jonas Kahnwald 2: the Jonas not saved by Mirror Martha and instead seeks cover in the basement when the apocalypse comes. This Jonas never goes to the Mirror world. He remains in the Prime world and eventually becomes Adult Jonas and then Adam.
- Jonas Kahnwald 3: the Jonas saved by Adam in the series finale. This Jonas intercepts Mirror Martha 3 and travels with her to the "Real" world to break the loop.
- Mirror Martha 1: the Martha who saves Jonas Kahnwald 1 in the final moments of Season 2. This Martha and the child inside her are destroyed by Adam in an attempt to break the loop.
- Mirror Martha 2: the Martha intercepted by Bartosz before she can save Jonas Kahnwald. This Martha gives birth to The Origin and eventually becomes Adult Martha and then Eva.
- Mirror Martha 3: the Martha intercepted by Jonas Kahnwald 3 before she can save Jonas Kahnwald. This Martha travels to the "Real" world to break the loop.
Before the moments of these splits, the characters will simply be referred to as Jonas Kahnwald and Martha Nielsen, with no numerical designation. Now to the timeline...
June 27, 1888
Adult Jonas, Magnus Nielsen, Franziska Doppler, and Bartosz Tiedemann arrive, having traveled from 2020 moments before the apocalypse.
September 21, 1888
Mirror Martha 1 arrives from the Mirror world in 2019, where she dropped off Jonas Kahnwald 1 after saving him from the apocalypse in the Prime world.
September 22, 1888
Bartosz Tiedemann tells Mirror Martha 1 about Sic Mundus, founded by Gustav Tannhaus' father, who became obsessed with time travel after the death of his wife, Charlotte. Mirror Martha 1 tells Bartosz that Adam and Adult Jonas are the same person.
September 23, 1888
The Origin kill Gustav Tannhaus before he can reveal the existence of time travelers to the world. They steal the old man's pocket watch, engraved "For Charlotte."
Mirror Martha 1 gives Adult Jonas a vial of dark matter, then travels to 2053.
September 25, 1888
Adult Jonas burns Martha's letter. Adult Martha arrives from 2052 in the Mirror world and leaves Jonas the letter, along with a pocket watch engraved "For Charlotte."
Silja Tiedemann arrives from 2053 and meets Bartosz Tiedemann.
Silja Tiedemann gives birth to Hanno Tauber (Noah).
Silja Tiedemann dies giving birth to Agnes Nielsen.
Hannah Kahnwald and Young Silja arrive from 1954 and reunite with Adult Jonas. Jonas kills Hannah and transports Silja to the future.
June 21, 1921
Young Noah and his father, Adult Bartosz, dig the tunnel in the caves that will become the passage. Young Noah kills his father for losing faith in Sic Mundus.
Adam instructs Adult Noah to find the missing pages of the triquetra notebook.
June 23, 1921
Jonas Kahnwald arrives from 2053 via the dark matter. He's taken in at a boarding house and meets Young Noah and Young Agnes.
Adult Noah arrives from 1953 and lies to Adam about having found the missing pages of the triquetra notebook.
June 24, 1921
Jonas Kahnwald goes to the caves but realizes the passage hasn't been opened yet. Both Noahs take Jonas to meet Adam, who reveals himself to be an older version of Jonas.
June 25, 1921
Adam sends Jonas Kahnwald through the dark matter to 2019, ostensibly to stop his father, Michael Kahnwald, from taking his own life.
June 27, 1921
Young Noah travels to 2020 via the dark matter.
Adult Noah confronts Adam about the missing pages, and accuses Adam of lying to him about his goals. He tries to shoot Adam but the gun jams. It's revealed that the woman who conceived Charlotte Doppler with Noah was Charlotte's daughter, Elisabeth. Agnes Nielsen takes the gun and kills Noah.
Adam travels to 2020 via the dark matter to kill Martha Nielsen.
November 5, 1953
The body of Erik Obendorf arrives in the bunker from 1986. Helge Doppler travels back through the caves to dispose of Erik's body in the power plant construction site.
November 9, 1953
The body of Yasin Friese arrives in the bunker from 1986. Helge Doppler travels back through the caves to dispose of Yasin's body in the power plant construction site.
November 10, 1953
The bodies of Erik Obendorf and Yasin Friese are discovered at the power plant construction site.
Agnes Nielsen and her son Tronte arrive in Winden and rent a room from Egon and Doris Tiedemann.
Young Claudia, Young Tronte, and Young Helge go for a walk through the woods. Helge throws a stick into the caves and Claudia's dog Gretchen runs in after it. Old Claudia arrives and takes Gretchen through the passage to 1986.
Ulrich Nielsen arrives from 2019. He attempts to kill Young Helge and leaves the boy in the bunker injured.
November 11, 1953
Egon Tiedemann arrests Ulrich Nielsen for the murders of the two boys found at the power plant construction site, as well as the abduction of Young Helge.
Old Claudia arrives and gives H.G. Tannhaus the blueprints for the time machine.
November 12, 1953
In the bunker, Young Helge sees Jonas Kahnwald through a portal and is transported to 1986.
June 22, 1954
Old Claudia arrives from 1987 and buries her time machine in her own backyard to be discovered by her younger self in 33 years.
June 23, 1954
Young Helge arrives in the bunker from 1987, the result of Noah's first successful time travel experiment.
Old Claudia gives Agnes Nielsen a newspaper article revealing Claudia's death and instructs Agnes to betray her. Claudia visits her father, Egon Tiedemann, and apologizes to him. Claudia then visits H.G. Tannhaus, giving him the copy of A Journey Through Time, the book that he will write.
Noah arrives from 1987 after transporting Young Helge back. His sister Agnes tells him Old Claudia has the missing pages of the triquetra notebook. Noah kills Claudia and steals the pages. The pages reveal that his daughter is Charlotte Doppler. Noah travels back to 1921.
June 26, 1954
Hannah Kahnwald arrives from 2020 with the time machine she stole from Adult Jonas. She visits Ulrich Nielsen in prison, but leaves him there when she realizes he still loves Katharina. She flirts with Egon Tiedemann and tells him her name is Katharina.
September 24, 1954
The Origin give Young Tronte his mother's bracelet. Tronte gives it to Young Jana. The Origin force Winden's mayor to sign the building permit for the power plant.
Hannah Kahnwald finds out she's pregnant with Egon Tiedemann's child and breaks up with him. She goes to have the pregnancy terminated, where she meets young Helene Albers, who is having her own procedure. Hannah introduces herself as Katharina. Hannah decides not to go through with the procedure.
August 11, 1971
In all worlds, H.G. Tannhaus' son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter die in a car accident.
Charlotte Doppler and Adult Elisabeth arrive from 2041 with baby Charlotte and deliver her to Tannhaus, along with the pocket watch engraved "For Charlotte."
In the "Real" World, Jonas Kahnwald 3 and Mirror Martha 3 arrive from 2020 and save H.G. Tannhaus' family from dying. Tannhaus is never inspired to build a time machine, and the two other worlds are never created, wiping both the Prime world and the Mirror world from existence.
In the "Real" world, H.G. Tannhaus begins building a time machine in an attempt to bring his family back from the dead.
June 21, 1986
In the "Real" world, H.G. Tannhaus activates his time machine, which will destroy his own world in an apocalypse and create the Prime world and the Mirror world as a result.
In both the Prime world and the Mirror world, The Origin cause the accident at the power plant that opens the passage in the caves.
October 9, 1986
Mads Nielsen goes missing, kidnapped by Helge Doppler for Noah's time travel experiments.
November 4, 1986
Noah conducts a time travel experiment on Mads Nielsen, teleporting the boy to the same date 33 years later, in 2019.
November 5, 1986
Noah conducts a time travel experiment on Erik Obendorf, teleporting the boy to the same date 33 years earlier, in 1953.
Mikkel Nielsen arrives from 2019, having been taken through the caves by Jonas Kahnwald. He looks for his family and ends up at the hospital in the care of Ines Kahnwald.
On her first day as director of the power plant, Claudia Tiedemann is given a copy of H.G. Tannhaus' A Journey Through Time by Helge Doppler. The previous director, Bernd Doppler, shows her the barrels of radioactive waste hidden in the caves.
November 7, 1986
Young Hannah meets Mikkel Nielsen at the hospital. Hannah witnesses Young Ulrich having sex with Young Katharina and falsely reports him for sexual assault to Egon Tiedemann. Egon arrests Ulrich.
Adult Jonas arrives from 2019 via the caves to discuss time travel with Old Tannhaus.
In the Mirror world, Mirror Ulrich arrives from 2019 in 1986 after following Old Helge into the caves. He attempts to kill Adult Helge; Old Helge kills Mirror Ulrich.
November 8, 1986
Jonas Kahnwald arrives from 2019 after traveling through time for the first time.
November 9, 1986
Noah conducts a time travel experiment on Yasin Friese, teleporting the boy to the same date 33 years earlier, in 1953.
Jonas Kahnwald goes to the hospital to retrieve Mikkel Nielsen. Adult Jonas convinces him that doing so would erase his own existence. Jonas returns to 2019 via the caves.
Old Helge arrives from 2019 via the caves to stop his younger self from kidnapping the boys.
November 10, 1986
Adult Jonas takes his broken time machine to Old Tannhaus to be fixed.
November 11, 1986
Claudia Tiedemann discovers her dog Gretchen in the caves, brought there from 1953 by Old Claudia.
Young Ulrich is released from prison. He and Young Katharina attack Young Regina, suspecting her of being the one to report him. Young Aleksander (real name Boris Niewald) arrives in Winden and saves Regina.
November 12, 1986
Old Helge tries to stop his younger self by ramming his car. Old Helge dies in the accident but the younger Helge survives.
Adult Jonas picks up the repaired time machine from Old Tannhaus.
Jonas Kahnwald arrives from 2019 and heads to the hospital, once again to retrieve Mikkel Nielsen. Noah abducts him and takes him to the bunker. Adult Jonas finds him there and reveals his identity to his younger self. Adult Jonas activates the time machine in the caves, closing the passage. A portal opens in the bunker, through which Jonas can see Young Helge in 1953. Jonas is transported to 2052.
June 22, 1987
Old Claudia visits her younger self at the power plant. After witnessing Old Claudia travel through time (to 1954 to bury the time machine), Claudia Tiedemann goes home and digs up the time machine in her backyard.
Adult Jonas and Hannah Kahnwald arrive from 2020. He takes her to see her future husband at Ines Kahnwald's house, to prove that Michael Kahnwald is really Mikkel Nielsen.
June 23, 1987
Young Helge is sent to 1954, the result of Noah's first successful time travel experiment.
Claudia Tiedemann visits Old Tannhaus with a copy of A Journey Through Time. Tannhaus explains that the book is a bootstrap paradox. Claudia time travels for the first time, taking the machine to 2020.
June 24, 1987
Claudia Tiedemann arrives back from 2020 with a newspaper article claiming her father, Egon Tiedemann, will die in two days.
June 25, 1987
Martha Nielsen, Magnus Nielsen, Franziska Doppler, Elisabeth Doppler, and Bartosz Tiedemann arrive from 2020. They realize the time machine is real and travel back to their own time.
June 26, 1987
Old Egon confronts his daughter Claudia Tiedemann about the reality of time travel and her role in covering up the accident at the power plant. They struggle and he falls and hits his head. She lets him bleed out and he calls her "the White Devil" before he dies.
After having spent a year under Old Claudia's tutelage, Jonas Kahnwald arrives in 1987 and meets Adult Claudia.
June 27, 1987
Jonas Kahnwald and Claudia Tiedemann go to the caves so Jonas can retrieve radioactive waste from the barrels. Using the device, they reopen the passage that Adult Jonas closed seven months earlier. They then travel to 2020 together.
Katharina Nielsen arrives from 2020 moments before the apocalypse.
September 21, 1987
The Origin kill Bernd Doppler while searching for the power plant's master key.
September 22, 1987
The Origin break into the power plant to retrieve the master key and kill Claudia Tiedemann's secretary, Jasmin.
Katharina Nielsen goes to the asylum to meet Old Ulrich. She's allowed in by her own mother, Helene Albers.
September 24, 1987
Katharina Nielsen tries to steal the asylum's key card from Helene Albers so she can break Old Ulrich out. Convinced Katharina is the ghost of the pregnancy she terminated as a child, Helene kills her own daughter. She drags Katharina's body into the lake.
Young Peter moves to Winden to live with his father Helge Doppler after the death of his mother and meets Young Charlotte.
June 20, 2019
Jonas Kahnwald arrives from 1921 via the dark matter portal. He shows his father Michael Kahnwald his own suicide note. Michael reveals that Jonas was the one who took his younger self through the caves to 1986 when he was a boy. Old Claudia arrives and tells Jonas things have to play out as they always did. Jonas leaves with Old Claudia, and spends the next year studying time travel with her. Michael writes his suicide note.
June 21, 2019
Michael Kahnwald takes his own life, leaving behind a letter with instructions not to open before November 4, 2019.
September 2, 2019
In the Mirror world, Regina Tiedemann dies of cancer.
October 22, 2019
Erik Obendorf goes missing, kidnapped by Helge Doppler for Noah's time travel experiments.
November 4, 2019
Jonas Kahnwald takes Mikkel Nielsen through the caves to 1986 so Mikkel can become his father, Michael Kahnwald.
Ines Kahnwald opens her son Michael's suicide note, which reveals the truth of his identity.
The body of Mads Nielsen arrives in the bunker from 1986, materializing in front of Peter Doppler. Peter calls Mads' father, Old Tronte. Old Claudia arrives and instructs Peter and Tronte to dispose of Mads' body in the woods.
In the Mirror world, Jonas Kahnwald and Mirror Martha 1 arrive, having traveled from 2020 in the Prime world moments before the apocalypse. Mirror Martha 1 leaves for 1888. Jonas meets Mirror Martha's older self, Eva.
In the Mirror world, the body of Mirror Mads arrives in the bunker from 1986, materializing in front of Mirror Martha, Mirror Magnus, Mirror Franziska, Mirror Bartosz, and Mirror Kilian.
November 5, 2019
Adult Jonas arrives and checks into the hotel owned by Regina Tiedemann.
Aleksander Tiedemann, director of the nuclear power plant, orders the barrels of radioactive waste moved from the caves onto a truck.
Mads Nielsen's body is discovered in the woods.
In the Mirror world, The Origin bring the power plant's master key and the pocket watch engraved "For Charlotte" to Eva. Eva instructs Jonas Kahnwald to teach Mirror Martha about time travel. Jonas takes Mirror Martha to 2052.
November 6, 2019
Elisabeth Doppler encounters Noah in the woods. Noah gives Elisabeth a pocket watch engraved "For Charlotte."
Helge Doppler kidnaps Yasin Friese.
In the Mirror world, Jonas Kahnwald and Mirror Martha return from 2052 and have sex. They go to visit Eva, where Mirror Martha 2 shoots and kills Jonas.
November 7, 2019
Adult Jonas meets his younger self at their father's grave site but doesn't reveal his identity, then travels to 1986 via the caves to talk with Old Tannhaus.
Jonas Kahnwald receives a package from Adult Jonas, delivered by Regina Tiedemann, containing a map of the caves and his father's suicide note. He learns from the note that Michael Kahnwald is Mikkel Nielsen.
In the Mirror world, Mirror Ulrich follows Mirror Helge into the caves and travels to 1986. Mirror Aleksander and Mirror Charlotte open the barrels of radioactive waste, triggering the apocalypse. Mirror Bartosz is saved from the apocalypse by an older version of himself.
In the Mirror world, Adult Magnus and Adult Franziska arrive and take Mirror Martha to 2020 in the Prime world to save Jonas Kahnwald from the apocalypse.
In the Mirror World, Adam arrives with Jonas Kahnwald 3 from the Prime world in 2020 and sends his younger self to intercept Mirror Martha before Adult Magnus and Adult Franziska can take her to the Prime world. Jonas 3 takes Mirror Martha 3 to 1971 in the "Real" world.
November 8, 2019
Ulrich Nielsen realizes that the body discovered in the woods belongs to his brother, Mads Nielsen.
Jonas Kahnwald travels through time for the first time, departing for 1986 via the caves.
November 9, 2019
Jonas Kahnwald arrives from 1986, leaving Mikkel Nielsen behind.
Old Helge travels to 1986 via the caves to stop his younger self from kidnapping the boys. Ulrich Nielsen follows Old Helge to the caves.
November 10, 2019
Ulrich Nielsen travels to 1953 via the caves.
November 11, 2019
Old Claudia arrives and visits her grandson, Bartosz Tiedemann.
Adult Jonas extracts radioactive waste from the barrels on the truck.
November 12, 2019
Charlotte Doppler finds a newspaper report from 1953 on Young Helge's disappearance, featuring a photo of Ulrich Nielsen.
Noah gives Bartosz Tiedemann the triquetra notebook and warns him not to trust Old Claudia.
Jonas Kahnwald travels to 1986 via the caves, in another attempt to retrieve Mikkel Nielsen.
June 21, 2020
Inspector Clausen arrives in Winden to take over the search for Erik Obendorf, Mikkel Nielsen, Yasin Friese, Ulrich Nielsen, and Jonas Kahnwald.
Aleksander Tiedemann informs his workers that the power plant will be decommissioned in six days. He orders Torben Wöller to move the barrels of radioactive waste from the truck into the plant's cooling pool, where he covers them with concrete.
Adult Jonas arrives and convinces his mother, Hannah Kahnwald, of his identity.
June 22, 2020
Adult Jonas takes Hannah Kahnwald to 1987 with his time machine.
June 23, 2020
Claudia Tiedemann arrives from 1987, having traveled for the first time. She realizes her daughter, Regina Tiedemann, is dying of cancer.
June 24, 2020
Claudia Tiedemann goes to the library and researches herself and her father, Egon Tiedemann. She learns that her father died on June 26, 1987, and that Claudia herself disappeared shortly after. Armed with this knowledge, Claudia travels back to 1987.
Charlotte Doppler, Peter Doppler, Hannah Kahnwald, and Adult Jonas show Katharina Nielsen everything they've collected about time travel. Katharina doesn't believe them until she goes to the school and finds Mikkel Nielsen in a class photo from 1986.
Martha Nielsen, Magnus Nielsen, Franziska Doppler, and Elisabeth Doppler ambush Bartosz Tiedemann in the caves and steal the time machine given to him by Noah.
June 25, 2020
Martha Nielsen, Magnus Nielsen, Franziska Doppler, and Elisabeth Doppler return to the caves with the time machine after leaving Bartosz Tiedemann there overnight. Bartosz takes them to 1987 to prove the machine is real. They return to 2020 shortly after. Magnus keeps the time machine.
Noah meets Charlotte Doppler and reveals that he's her father.
June 26, 2020
Hannah Kahnwald steals Adult Jonas' time machine and travels to 1954.
Inspector Clausen arrests Aleksander Tiedemann for murdering Clausen's brother, Aleksander Kohler, and stealing his identity.
Adult Jonas reveals his identity to Martha Nielsen.
June 27, 2020
Young Noah arrives from 1921. He gives Adult Jonas a letter from Martha and instructs him to save Magnus Nielsen, Franziska Doppler, and Bartosz Tiedemann. Young Noah then goes to the bunker, where he meets Peter and Elisabeth Doppler.
Jonas Kahnwald and Claudia Tiedemann arrive from 1987. Claudia retrieves her daughter, Regina Tiedemann, and takes her to the bunker.
Katharina Nielsen gives Adult Jonas the time machine that Magnus stole from Bartosz. He uses it to transport Magnus, Franziska, and Bartosz to 1888.
Inspector Clausen takes Charlotte Doppler to execute a search warrant at the power plant. He digs up the barrels of radioactive waste and opens one, triggering the apocalypse. Charlotte sees her daughter/mother Adult Elisabeth through a portal and is transported to 2053.
Jonas Kahnwald goes to save Martha Nielsen, but Adam arrives and shoots her. Moments before the apocalypse, Mirror Martha 1 arrives and transports Jonas Kahnwald 1 to 2019 in the Mirror World.
Simultaneously, Mirror Bartosz arrives, sent by his older self moments before the Mirror world's apocalypse. Mirror Bartosz intercepts Mirror Martha 2 before she saves Jonas and they travel to 2052 in the Mirror world. Jonas Kahnwald 2 rides out the apocalypse in his basement.
Simultaneously, Adam arrives and saves Jonas Kahnwald 3 and takes him to 2019 in the Mirror world.
September 22, 2020
Old Tronte kills Regina Tiedemann on Old Claudia's orders, so that Claudia's younger self will devote herself to studying time travel in order to save her daughter.
Peter and Elisabeth Doppler search for Charlotte and Franziska in a ruined Winden. Young Noah promises Elisabeth he'll look after her after Peter's death.
September 24, 2020
Mirror Claudia arrives to recruit Prime Claudia to work for Eva, giving her the triquetra notebook.
A stranger attacks Elisabeth Doppler in her trailer. Peter Doppler saves her, but is killed in the process.
Claudia Tiedemann asks Old Claudia to apologize to Egon Tiedemann for her. Old Claudia promises her younger self that, if their plan works, Regina Tiedemann will live.
In the "Real" world, a dinner party is attended by Regina Tiedemann, Hannah Kahnwald, Peter Doppler, Katharina Nielsen, Torben Wöller, and Bernadette Wöller. Hannah recounts a dream she had in which the world ended. She announces her pregnancy and her decision to name the child Jonas.
Jonas Kahnwald 2 attempts to take his own life, but Young Noah stops him.
Prime Claudia kills Mirror Claudia and travels to the Mirror world impersonating her.
In the Mirror World, Eva gives Prime Claudia the blueprints for H.G. Tannhaus' time machine.
Adult Elisabeth and Charlotte Doppler arrive from 2053 and kidnap baby Charlotte, taking her to 1971.
November 6, 2052
In the Mirror world, Jonas Kahnwald 1 and Mirror Martha arrive from 2019. They meet Adult Martha, who instructs them to prevent the apocalypse in the Mirror world. Jonas and Mirror Martha travel back to 2019.
November 7, 2052
In the Mirror world, Mirror Martha 2 and Mirror Bartosz arrive from 2020 in the Prime world, after Mirror Bartosz prevented Mirror Martha from saving Jonas Kahnwald. Eva gives Mirror Martha 2 her distinctive facial scar, introduces her to The Origin, has her write her letter to Jonas, and instructs her to kill Jonas. Adult Martha leaves to deliver the letter and pocket watch to Adult Jonas in 1888.
November 12, 2052
Jonas Kahnwald arrives from 1986. He is knocked out by Silja Tiedemann.
June 21, 2053
Jonas Kahnwald enters the ruined power plant and discovers the dark matter.
June 22, 2053
Jonas Kahnwald steals fuel to power the dark matter, but is caught entering the power plant. Adult Elisabeth nearly executes him but changes her mind. Silja Tiedemann releases Jonas and takes him to the power plant. Jonas travels to 1921 via the dark matter.
June 27, 2053
Adult Elisabeth goes to the power plant and activates the dark matter. Her mother/daughter Charlotte Doppler is transported through the portal from 2020.
September 22, 2053
Mirror Martha 1 arrives from 1888. Adam reveals to her that she's pregnant with Jonas Kahnwald's child.
Adam gives Agnes Nielsen the newspaper clipping of Old Claudia's death and instructs her to give it to Claudia.
Adult Elisabeth and Charlotte Doppler travel to 2041 to kidnap baby Charlotte.
September 25, 2053
Silja Tiedemann travels to 1890 to meet Bartosz Tiedemann.
Adam harnesses the energy from the apocalypses in both the Prime and Mirror worlds and uses it to destroy Mirror Martha 1 and the child inside her, but the loop remains intact. Old Claudia arrives and reveals the existence of the "Real" world. Adam departs for 2020 to save Jonas Kahnwald 3.