This Ariana Grande “sweetener” Lyric Has Inspired A Hilarious New '90s Meme

Ariana Grande's latest album, Sweetener, has only been out for a short time, but fans are already obsessed with it (for good reason, by the way). One song in particular has got all of the Arianators talking, though. Some instantly catchy lyrics from Ariana Grande's "sweetener" are turning into a big meme, as evidenced by a ton of hilarious Twitter reactions, including a very #TBT '90s reference.
Grande took the world by storm on Aug. 17 with the release of her newest album. With bops like "breathin" and, of course, that highly anticipated "pete davidson" song, Sweetener was already sure to be a hit. But, one of the biggest highlights of the album was its titular track, which became a favorite on Twitter because of a very particular set of lyrics. In the song, Grande sings, "And then you get it, get it, get it, get it (ayy)/Hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it (ayy)/Flip it, flip it, flip it."
Just take one listen to the song and you'll understand why this song's become a major standout amongst Grande's fanbase. To put it simply: "sweetener" is an instant classic with lyrics that you won't be able to get out of your head. It's also reminded quite a few fans of a similar classic: the Bop It.
It's A Jam
There are definitely more than a few folks who were totally ready to bust out a move to the fun song.
It's A Bop
There were son Twitter users who made a very interesting connection to "Sweetener," thanks to a game you might remember from your childhood. Basically, the "hit it, flip it, twist it" lyrics call to mind the Bop It game, in which players similarly hit, flip, and twist the device. The lyrics are, honestly, a really fun (and super random) callback to the game.
A Bop
Another user noticed the Bop It connection. This just means that "Sweetener" really is a "bop," right?
More Bopping
Could Grande actually have been inspired by the beloved childhood toy? It might be.
But whatever inspired "sweetener," fans are into it.
It's Simply Amazing
Another user related that they're turning up Grande's song, simply because it is that amazing.
It's Basically Art
One Arianator is so into "sweetener," and the entire album, that they inserted photos relating to it and Grande herself into Beyoncé and JAY-Z's "Apesh*t" music video. In other words, Sweetener is seriously a work of art.
Seriously Catchy
This user only needed to add a gif of Michelle Obama to show just how much they were feeling "sweetener."
It Just Makes You Wanna Dance
Since "sweetener" is that amazing, you can't really help but want to dance along to it, like this user.
While there are a slew of catchy tracks on Grande's latest album, it seems as though "sweetener" really takes the cake in terms of being an instant fan favorite.