A 24 Inch Slice Of Pizza Exists And Nothing Will Ever Be The Same
There is little more satisfying in life than a really good slice of pizza. It's so delicious that, no matter how slow you eat your pizza — or try to — it always seems to be gone far too soon. Well, if you're fortunate enough to live anywhere near Yonkers, New York, the problem of the quickly disappearing pizza might be over. Only a 20 minute drive north from New York City is Pizza Barn, home of the "super slice," a 24 inch piece of pizza.
Famous for the "super slice" since 1975, social media has caused the pizza to blow up lately, attracting customers from all over. Across the back of each workers shirt, as well as atop equally large pizza boxes, reads "size does matter." At two feet this slice of pizza is quite a task to hold, but so worth it.
While you might assume this attraction will empty your bank account, given it's rareness, the pricing isn't high as I expected. A plain slice of pizza costs $12 with prices rising all the way up to $32 for specialities such as mac and cheese and lasagna pizza.
I don't know about you, but this is every wish I've ever had for pizza come to life. If only they'd deliver to my apartment, then you might find me eating this every day.
If all you can think about right now is getting a slice. I suggest hopping into the nearest car, train, or plane and making your way to Yonkers. Pizza Barn is waiting for you.