I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Logan is the final film in the Wolverine trilogy. And, as the final installment to the Wolverine series, Logan is full of fun X-Men Easter Eggs. In many Marvel movies, these kind of references have two functions: as winks to comic book fans and as clues of what's to come. Because it is the last in a series, Logan is full of the former. Almost all of the Easter Eggs in Logan are nods to the Wolverine's past, both in the comics and in the films. It's a sweet way to pay tribute to a franchise, and a fun way to delight fans in the process.
Logan is a goodbye to the Wolverine franchise, so most of the major Easter Eggs are references to key moments in the character's onscreen history. First introduced in 2000's X-Men, Wolverine has appeared in nine out of 10 of the X-Men films in the past 17 years (including Logan). Audiences know more about Wolverine than even he did when we first met him. We've seen a lot of Wolverine's story, and it's all been leading up to this. So get ready for a lot of nostalgia, some comic book mythology, and just a few hints to the future of X-Men. Here's a list of all 13 major Easter Eggs in Logan. Spoilers ahead!
1Greenwood Cemetery
Greenwood Cemetery, briefly shown in Logan, is actually a staple of Marvel comics, having appeared in various issues among various series, like the Fantastic Four and Deadpool, according to Movie Pilot.
2WER 112
Wolverine's license plate, WER112, could be nothing, or it might reference the issue #112 of Uncanny X-Men, in which Magneto reverted the entire X-Men team into children. Given the fact that Logan features a child clone of Wolverine, it's not too hard to see a connection.
3Comic Books
Laura's X-Men comics in Logan are #117 and #132, according to Movie Pilot, though neither of the movie comics appear to have content that matches the real issues. However, the #132 issue depicts Wolverine's fight with Donald Pierce, one of the villains in Logan. It's also significant that Wolverine is a known hero in Logan. Later in the film, a child holds a Wolverine doll.
4Dog Tags
Wolverine has a brief moment of reflection with his iconic dog tags in Logan. It's not a huge Easter Egg, but it is a nice moment to honor the ID tags that have defined Wolverine since he first appeared on the big screen in X-Men.
Fun fact: the dog tags were how Logan knew his name, but in Logan, he occasionally uses his given name, James Howlett.
5The Sword
There doesn't seem to be much in Wolverine's home in Logan, but there is a Japanese sword, a katana, hanging on the wall, which appears to be a wink to the second Wolverine film, The Wolverine.
6The Statue Of Liberty
Before Charles and Wolverine meet Laura (aka X-23), Charles sees her in his mind and tells Wolverine that she's waiting for him at the Statue of Liberty. Wolverine replies that the Statue of Liberty was a long time ago. In fact, Wolverine's first big fight with the X-Men was at the Statue of Liberty in X-Men.
In a crucial and heartbreaking scene, Professor X recalls what happened in Westchester. Westchester, of course, is where he established his School for Gifted Youngsters. It's unclear what, exactly, Charles did there, but given the fact that there are no other X-Men around, it's safe to say it wasn't good. In the Old Man Logan comics, Wolverine kills all the mutants at the Mansion while under a spell, so perhaps the incident in Westchester is similar, but instead it was Charles killing his own students.
Caliban is a tricky character because, in Logan, he isn't played by the same actor who portrayed him in X-Men: Apocalypse. Moreover, the new Caliban has a British accent, very different from the vaguely European accent in Apoalypse. It's possible that this shift sets Logan in an entirely different timeline and world than the rest of the X-Men series. Or, it's just a switch they hoped nobody would notice.
9Alkali Transigen
The villains in Logan work for Alkali Transigen, a company that stole mutant DNA and cloned their own, hence X-23. Alkali Lake is actually the location of the underground facility where William Stryker made Wolverine.
10Dr. Rice
Dr. Rice, Alkali Transigen's resident mad scientist, mentions he's the son of the Dr. Rice who experimented on Wolverine back in the day. In fact, he's one of the doctors Wolverine killed after emerging with his new adamantium claws.
11Christopher Bradley
In the cell phone footage of Alkali Transigen, the company is shown to have collected DNA from Christopher Bradley, as noted by Movie Pilot. Bradley was a member of Team X in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and had the power to control electricity.
12Rictor, Rebecca, Bobby, Charlotte, Delilah
The other children experimented on with X-23, Rictor, Rebecca, Bobby, Charlotte, and Delilah also seem to refer to other X-Men characters. Rictor is a member of the X-Force who has the power to create earthquakes. And Bobby, who has the power to freeze things, might be made out of Bobby/Iceman's DNA.
Maybe we'll see a new generation of X-Men. And if we do, the one thing we know for sure is that whoever stars in it and whatever it's about, that movie will have plenty of Easter Eggs too.