Stop Everything, 'Vanderpump Rules' Fans: SO Many Photos Of Tom Tom Are Finally Here

Vander-history was made on Wednesday, July 11 when Vanderpump Rules Season 6 breakout star Tom Tom held its soft opening. You know what else happened this week? Why, the official Tom Tom Instagram account was born and it's filled with all the photos of the bar Tom Tom you could want. Rather than test our patience and release, like, one picture every three days, the romantic industrial bar's IG account released a whole bunch of snapshots of the space while it was still a work in progress. And what a splash it has created.
Tom Tom, as every Vanderpump Rules viewer knows, is Lisa Vanderpump and Ken Todd’s new bar that is named after the Toms Sandoval and Schwartz. And, as every Vanderpump Rules viewer also knows, the Toms Sandoval and Schwartz are LVP and Todd’s junior partners. Though it is not yet open to the public, the West Hollywood bar did host its first event earlier this week: the DailyMail.com and Daily Mail TV summer party. The photos that were taken at the event do not disappoint. For example, there is a picture of Dorinda Medley, Spencer Pratt, Heidi Montag, and the Toms on the step and repeat together, and it is proof the reality TV gods exist.
And speaking of pictures that will not let Vander-fans down, it is finally time to tuck into the photos that were taken while Tom Tom was still under construction. You may want to grab a Sexy Unique Knife, Sexy Unique Fork, and tie a Sexy Unique Bib around your neck. Get ready to chew on some hearty content, y'all.
Here Are Some Of The Light Fixtures
Behold some of the exquisite pieces Nick "The Maestro" Alain created for Tom Tom.
Here's Alain Sketching Out Some Light Fixtures
Once Tom Tom is open to the general public, it will be such a treat to see his work in real life.
Here Is Lisa Vanderpump In Sneakers
You know she means business when she swaps out the stilettos for tennis shoes.
Here Is A Bowl Of Lemons
Renowned lemon fans Yolanda Hadid and Shannon Beador will be so proud.
Here Are Boxes Of Plates
Oh, you think you can’t wait for us to see the beautiful serving platters and dishes? Think how we feel. We are yearning to see the beautiful serving platters and dishes and everything else Tom Tom has to offer.
Here Is The Patio
Come on, who does not love it when a restaurant has a Sexy Unique Fresh Air option?
Here Is The Outdoor Fireplace
A Sexy Unique Fresh Air option plus a Sexy Unique Outdoor Fireplace? Ex-SUR-lent.
Here Are Some More Of The Many Light Fixtures
But not too many light fixtures. The Maestro knows what he's doing.
Here Are Some Tea Lights
As the decor at SUR and PUMP proves, LVP sure understands that a few candles here and there will really get the ambience goin'.
Here's The Clock
On Season 6, Alain and LVP discussed putting a giant clock behind the bar at Tom Tom. Sure enough, there is a giant clock behind the bar at Tom Tom.
Here Is The Sign That's Out Front
Is there anything more industrial romantic than Ts peppered with bolts and Os are covered in gears? Nope. No way.
Here Is Some Light
You like natural sunlight? Tom Tom's got windows. You like lightbulb light? Tom Tom's got plenty of lightbulbs. You like candlelight? Tom Tom's got candles. The place is lit.
It is lit, it is finished, and it is just about ready for the Pumped masses. "So much work and sweat has gone into this place and it was incredible to see it up and running yesterday!" LVP wrote on IG the day after the DailyMail.com event. "We will be opening to the public in a few days, so stay tuned!"
What's that, LVP? You want us to keep an ear out for any and all Tom Tom updates? Twist our ears, er, arms.
Photos courtesy @tomtom