These Sweet Photos Of Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin's New Puppy Will Make You Melt

There's a new addition to the Bieber family just in time for the holidays! Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin got an adorable puppy named Oscar. On Saturday, Dec. 22, the couple introduced fans to their new pup via their Instagram stories, sharing super cute pics and videos of the newest member of their little family.
Baldwin was the first to introduce the world to Oscar. She shared a pic on her Instagram Story with text that read "My Christmas baby," accompanied by the pooch's name. She also shared a video of her husband playing with Oscar in bed.
After Baldwin shared the first glimpse at their new furry baby, Bieber introduced him to fans with an Instagram picture, captioned "Meet our dogson his name is #Oscar." Followers of the couple instantly fell in love with him, with many commenters asking when Oscar's getting his own Instagram. While there's no word on whether or not the cute pup will get his own page, his parents are sharing plenty of videos and photos of their new addition. Like Baldwin, Bieber's Stories have been Oscar-centric. "Merry Christmas from Oscar," read the text in the first one, featuring a picture of the pup in a playpen with a bed and plenty of toys.
But Oscar didn't last long in his playpen, because his new parents mostly shared pictures of him cuddling in bed with them. Bieber shared photos of Oscar adorably perched up on his shoulder, with Baldwin excitedly sitting next to them. But unlike Baldwin, who looks thrilled with the new puppy, Bieber looks stoic as Oscar tries to cuddle with him. Bieber then clarified that he's frowning because he's sick — but if anyone can cheer him up, it will be a fluffy puppy, right?
Despite being sick, it's clear from Bieber's Instagram Stories that Oscar is keeping his spirits up. However, Baldwin has him beat in the excitement department. She's taking her new role as a dog mom super seriously, and in one IG Story, she even admits that Oscar won't let her put him down.
And who could blame the little guy? He's being showered with cuddles, and that's so much better than hanging out in a playpen.
Baldwin's Instagram Stories also revealed that even though he's not feeling great, Bieber isn't immune to Oscar's charms. In fact, he's actively playing with the pup in one video, and snorting with laughter when little Oscar toddles over his shoulder in another.
Seriously, in terms of cuteness, this pup cannot be topped.
One thing is certain, this Christmas is going to be an unforgettable one for the happy couple. In addition to Oscar joining their family, this also marks the first Christmas that they'll spend together as a married couple. Baldwin and Bieber's marriage was a bit unexpected for fans this year, but these two appear to be adjusting to married life beautifully.
Just don't expect any non-furry additions to their family in the near future. In a November interview with Vogue Arabia, Baldwin revealed that she wants to be a mom someday — just not anytime soon. So while kids may still be a long way off for the couple, it's sweet to see that they're finding other ways to expand their family. And hey, babies are great, but Oscar Bieber is a special addition too. (And one we want to see lots more of in 2019.)