You Can Buy Your Dog A Blanket With Their Face — Or Yours — Literally All Over It

It's always great to stand out from the crowd, to have your own sense of self. Especially when it comes to the important things in life like, you know, clothes and interiors. Yes guys, you want to carve your own path and make people notice your fabulosity. So, why on earth would you not allow the same for your sweet baby angel dog? Don't dogs deserve the chance to be individual too? So these new personalised dog blankets are just what your little BFF needs to stand out from the crowd. Honestly, you might be about to see the waggliest tail you have ever seen with thanks to this slice of joy.
So, the blankets come from our pals over at Prezzybox and are fully customisable to your own desires. Or, more importantly, your dog's desires.
Since Prezzybox lets you choose the photo you print on this blanket, the sky is the actual limit when it comes to customising. Maybe your dog seems a little bit vain and would love a massive photo of its own face strewn across the blanket? Fair enough. Or maybe you think your dog is obsessed not with itself but with you. Isn't that what we all wish for? If that's the case, you could actually have your own face all over the blanket. You can worry about explaining that to potential love interests at a later date. Your pooch is your most important love interest RN and we all know it.
Wow, such a thing must cost a king's ransom, right? No guys, it is a mere £20. Yes, less than a couple of rounds of drinks.
When it comes to choosing a photo, the site asks you to pick one that is close and clear. It always wants something with as much light as possible because you need all that light to make sure your pooch looks beautiful. Graceful and angelic in the sunshine.
The picture will then be cut out and printed onto the flash new blanket. Prezzybox do warn that the image might be changed slightly in the process but, I mean, models get airbrushed, why can't your dog?
The blanket itself is 100 percent polyester. The team over at Prezzybox HQ confirmed that, yes, it is machine washable, but they do recommend that is washed separately in a cold wash.
And we all know that, when it comes to blankets, size really does matter. You don't want your poor angel lying on a postage stamp now do you? Of course not. Well, this blanket comes in at 105 cm by 77 cm so your little babe should have a woof-ly time snuggling up with it.
I guess such an incredible, personalised, bespoke piece sounds like it will take an age to produce? Like waiting for a piece of furniture off the internet. Well guys, lucky for you this blanket will be with you within two to four days. Meaning being the talk of the town (or dog park) will be far quicker than you possibly could have anticipated.
All that's left to decide is which photo to pick. Maybe let the dog decide.
This article was originally published on