These Memes About The Current Weather Sitch Almost Make The Lack Of Sun Worth It

Summer tiiiiime and the weather is crappy. One second, those aren't the lyrics are they? Well they might not be across mainland Europe but over here, y'all ,it appears that winter isn't coming, it has arrived. Yes, old Blighty is being hammered by storms to the extent that it feels like stew season. As an optimist I prefer to think of the terrible weather as making me feel less guilty about staying in watching Love Island. However that optimism is currently being battered by actual storms and memes about the British summer are totally getting me through.
If, like me, you finally sorted the garden in time for heaps of cute as BBQs, you may or may not be currently fuming. This summer appears to basically be like a complete f-boy/f-girl that pulls you in then throws you away again. Like "OMG guys it's sunny this weekend!" only for the weekend to come and you to be shivering in ill advised shorts doing pre scheduled outdoors things.
The elephant in the room is of course, music festivals. Yes, I said it. Call me a maverick but someone had to be honest guys. Countless people across the country have their cursor hovering above expensive waterproofs on outdoorsy websites. And according to these memes, might be best to hit buy guys. And say bye to any cute new freckles while you are at it.
Now play this:
Right so despite a bit of a good start, things appear to have taken a drastic turn for the worst. After summer 2018 making 'staycations' seem like the best idea ever, a lot of people are probably pretty ticked off about reservations they have made.
Hey maybe might be time to be giving Noah a buzz because guys, this rain does not appear to be stopping any time soon.
I'm sorry but WTF is going on this is all a bit confusing. Junuary? June?
There must have been a mistake this is 100 percent not what we have all been longing for, for like nine actual months.
But guys, patience and perseverance are a must if you live in the UK so it is time to stop whining and buck up.
The weather forecast is definitely rain with a chance of dad jokes.
And you know what, the mud at umpteen music festival sites might be a bit dry and cracked.
It is easy to feel resigned to terrible weather and even worse habits.
Because the weather seems to be lit only when you are stuck inside at an office job you hate.
Well maybe at least all this horrific potential flooding opens you up to new and exciting transport options.
Look above all this crappy weather does have some serious fringe benefits.
Whatever the forecast is saying, when it comes to this summer and, in fact, every summer in the UK, you need to be prepared AF for the worst. Because the worst is what we're getting.
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