If You Need Motivation To Go Out & Vote, Just Read This

Polls opened in some places as early as 6 a.m. on Tuesday, and voters have turned up excited to have their voices heard — even at the crack of dawn. To commemorate finishing their civic duty, voters are taking selfies and tweeting about the occasion. These Election Day tweets from the polls show the excitement that many are feeling these midterms, and if you read on, it might rub off on you.
For those who haven't yet voted, experts say that creating a plan to vote is key: when, where, and how you'll get there. You can look up where your polling place is and what time voting ends in your state. You might have the right to leave work to vote, and students are organizing walkouts to vote. Head to the polls on the early end if you can to avoid lines, and keep in mind that free and reduced rides are available.
The excitement that Twitter users are sharing has also appeared in early vote totals. In many states the turnout before Election Day has grown immensely. As of Sunday, Bloomberg reported there were already 34 million people who had cast their ballots — and the ultimate number is likely to grow to record numbers after Tuesday.
The selfies and tweets started early, too. But now that it's Election Day, this online civic engagement is literally trending.
1) "I Voted" Selfies Can Be Creative
Use Instagram to add your favorite voting GIFs.
2) Capture The Sticker
If you voted somewhere that gives you stickers, you'll want to represent.
3) Going To The Polls
Inspire your friends not just to walk to vote, but charge there like a warrior.
4) Share Your Views On Tricky Votes
Hashtags can inform about ballot initiatives and more. Find a creative way to reach your friends.
5) Better Early Than Too Late
In the case of voting, the saying "better late than never" does not necessarily apply. Get to the polls as early as you can.
6) Tweet Those Receipts
Some jurisdictions give you a paper receipt that you can share, too.
9) Vote & Share Your Values
Some opted to share why they're voting the way they are to motivate their friends online to do the same.
10) Voting Empowers You
Get a mental boost before work from knowing you had your say this year.
11) Voting Comes With A Little-Known Benefit
Have your say now or hold your peace until 2020.
12) Bring Your Family To The Polls
Bring a group to vote and then take a group selfie.
13) You Might Be On TV
If you like that idea, you have to turn up at a polling place.
14) Tweet Your Voting Tips
If there are any tools that you used to make informed decisions about candidates and initiatives on your ballot, share them.
16) Retweet Yourself
Already voted? No reason to miss out on the tweeting. Share it again, and continue motivating everyone you know to make it to the polls.
17) Use All The Social Networks
Share your Instagram to your Twitter and Facebook or vice a versa. Reach the largest audience you can, and maybe you'll influence someone to go vote.
18) Never Vote Alone
Document that you brought someone along to vote. Find someone who wouldn't be voting otherwise and get them to go with you.
19) Wear Any Election Garb You Might Have
Because why keep it to just a sticker.
21) Everybody's Doing It
Lots of people are noting the crowds at their polling places. Go vote and you might run into your neighbors and friends.
22) Not To Be Taken For Granted
Not all Americans have historically been allowed to vote — and some still aren't. Go vote for those who couldn't and still can't.
23) Give Voting Your All
Whether you're a celebrity, a politician, or a college student, today your vote counts the same as everyone else's.
If these tweets and selfies have motivated you to go vote, make sure that you capture the excitement online when you're at the polls. You in turn can have the same impact on your network of friends and followers.