These Are The 5 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Cheat

Many of us get tempted to cheat, but who's likely to actually go through with it? Whether you're into astrology or not, a person's zodiac sign can be very telling when it comes to everything from their career to their favorite sex position. And according to a new survey by Ashley Madison, the dating site for extramarital affairs, there are five zodiac signs who more likely to cheat over anyone else.
While different astrologers may disagree on which signs are likely to cheat based on their own personal interpretation of the signs, Ashley Madison, ran a survey to see which ones are really more likely to be unfaithful, based on their numbers. Each sign has a specific set of traits that differentiate them from any other sign. By just knowing someone's birthday, you can discover pretty much anything about a person such as their dating dealbreakers, their biggest relationship challenges, and of course, how likely they are to cheat.
Over the past five years, Ashley Madison, which has 54 million member accounts worldwide since 2002, has seen an eight percent increase in new accounts between December and January. With all the new accounts that are made during this time of the year, the site's data team looked into the birthdays of its members from the United States, Canada, U.K., and Australia to figure out which zodiac sign had the most sign-ups on the site.
So who are the biggest cheaters in the zodiac? If you're big on astrology, here are the top five signs for signsups on Ashley Madison:
1Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns are earth signs who are known for being ambitious, hardworking, and loyal. "Caps need stability and routine in a relationship," astrologer, Suzie Kerr Wright tells Bustle. "They feel comfortable and safe when they know what's going to happen, so a good relationship for them would be more traditional." So it might surprise you to know that loyal Capricorn is the most common zodiac sign among Ashley Madison users. The survey also found Capricorns engage the most with other members on the platform.
2Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius is known for being a true individual who loves their freedom. Even in relationships, they don't exactly like to be tied down so it's not too surprising that they're very present on the site.
3Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces are the romantic dreamers of the zodiac, and have a tendency to live in the fantasy world they've built in their minds. Maybe having a secret affair could be part of that fantasy.
4Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
This is another pretty surprising sign to make the list considering Taurus, like Capricorns, is an earth sign known for wanting stability. They're also known for valuing loyalty and dependability in a partner. But regardless of that fact, they are the fourth most present sign on the site.
5Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer rounds out the top five, but if you ask Noella Fe, a spiritual advisor and Beacon Truth’s premier astrologer, they'd be at the top of the list. After all, the survey did find that Cancers are one of the top five signs who actually engage and make the most connections on the platform, along with Capricorns, Scorpios, and Geminis.
"I can agree that Capricorn is on the list but I don’t think they're number one," Fe says. "I just think they have an issue with letting you know that you're not the only one that’s waiting in line for them. Capricorns get bored very easily. They play a lot of games, so it may seem that they are super patient. I don’t agree with the top five. Cancers should be number one, then Pisces, Leos, Sags, then Capricorns. Plain and simple. Caps are the highest number up there because they get bored. Take it from me, I’m a Capricorn!"
So those are the biggest cheaters in the zodiac, based on Ashley Madison users. If anything on this list surprised you, it just goes to show you that anyone can be capable of cheating.