Winter Storm Stella Memes Are Snow Funny

It may be mid-March, but what may be the Northeast's biggest winter storm of the season is set to hit New England and the Mid-Atlantic states and could bring over a foot of to some areas. Meteorologists and city emergency preparedness departments are predicting that the nor'easter, named Winter Storm Stella, will cripple cities in the Northeast and may cause downed power lines and hundreds of cancelled flights. And while the storm set to arrive March 14 may prevent people from traveling and going to work and school, it can't stop the Internet's legion of meme makers.
Memes and jokes about the storm have been circulating since the weekend, and #blizzard2017 and #snowmageddon2017 are trending on Twitter. Folks are also using #StellaBlizzard and #Stella to share their quips, gripes, and wisecracks about the storm. If Stella is headed your way, be sure to take some time to prepare for being snowed in and possibly losing power. But perhaps just as important is don't forget the value of having a laugh. You can't fight Mother Nature, so why not make memes about her and her power instead? Here are some of the Internet's best Winter Storm Stella memes to keep your spirits up while the snow falls. And falls. And falls.
Emergency Weather Prep
Grab The Milk...
...And The Bread!
You're Prepared Now
I Can't Put My Arms Down
A Bottle Or A Case?
The Requisite "Streetcar Named Desire" References
Snow Day!
Just Waiting For It
Our Complicated Relationship With Meteorologists
This Seems Right
"Honest First Call"
Where's Spring, Though?
Some People Had Plans
Still Waiting
Some Folks Are Just Gonna Enjoy It
So Cozy
Yes, Please
Business Insider reports that Winter Storm Stella could be New York City's biggest snowstorm in March since 1888 and the fifth to ever drop a foot of snow in Manhattan in March. Several school districts on the East Coast are planning to close, including the Philadelphia School District and NYC Public Schools. CNN reports that airlines have already canceled thousands of flights in anticipation of the storm. People in affected areas are encouraged to avoid driving during the storm and delay travel plans until after the storm has passed.
The storm is the result of a low pressure system moving east across the Midwest colliding with one moving west from the southeast coast. The Midwest is also experiencing severe winter weather with over a foot having accumulated in Iowa and Minnesota. People in the Midwest and Northeast are advised to stay inside during the storm and stock up on necessary items ahead of time, such as food, medication, and warm clothing.