If you're a fan of the Olympics, you've been pretty busy for the past week and a half. From watching Chloe Kim grab gold to seeing Shaun White's epic run, there's been a lot of excitement. One sport, however, has one thing the others don't. The 2018 figure skating costumes are some of the most extra and amazing parts of the winter Olympics, and this year's looks have certainly not been a let down.
While rules around figure skating ensembles are a bit hazy and definitely seem to be subjective, it hasn't stopped skaters from making them unique, ultra-sparkling, romantic, and vibrant. Basically, they're the fashion you crave that Olympic games (no offense to Ralph Lauren and those opening ceremony gloves).
In fact, the costumes are such a big deal that major designers get involved. While Nathan Chen's incredible, redemptive free skate during the men's individual medal competition is his most important moment, there's also the small tidbit that his costume was designed by none other than Vera Wang herself.
Of course, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir's incredible, record-breaking Olympic gold win is top news (as it should be), but hello to Virtue's gorgeous burgundy cut-out look for their Moulin Rogue routine.
What were some of the most extra Olympic figure skating costumes at the games? There's a lot to choose from.
Alina Zagitova
The 15-year-old Zagitova totally nailed her team free skate, and while her ice skating prowess is next level, so is her costume. The vibrant red tutu, the golden rhinestones, the design, and love above the elbow gloves were everything you could want in a ballet/ice skating crossover.
Even former Olympian Ashley Wagner was curious about everyone's thoughts.
Ultimately, though, it was her skate that blew people away.
Adam Rippon
Who says that only the ladies get to have fun? Adam Rippon's incredible top during the Men's Free Skate was definitely one of the shining stars of Olympic fashion.
One glance at Twitter, and it's clear that he isn't just America's Sweetheart, but he may just be America's favorite costume.
Mae Bernice Meite
You may be thinking that Meite's costume isn't actually that extra, and sure, it has less sparkle. However, it has to make the list for the pure badassery of Meite wearing pants.
While some were bummed that her skate in the team event wasn't better, those pants were still everything.
Madison Chock
Chock's ice dance costume was nothing short of epically extra. Not only is it the colors of the Olympic rings, but it's stunning design is kind of parrot-esque in the best way possible.
For marathon Olympic watchers, you may have caught Johnny Weir discussing how much he loved this look on Chock.
Tessa Virtue
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir are basically the world's sweethearts (and the world's most loved ship), but for a split second, the world didn't talk about their skating and instead had to discuss Virtue's costume (and then promptly go back to the whole skating thing).
This leopard print meets golden detail, asymmetrical hem masterpiece is art. Truly.
Her look is so great, in fact, that everyone favorite commentator Leslie Jones (joined by none other than Adam Rippon) admitted that she wants to wear everything Virtue does "to the club."
Dmitri Aliev
Aliev's costume was so on brand that you couldn't help but love it. From the shoulder pads to the crisp white gloves, he looked like he was either about to crush the competition or dance in the Nutcracker. Either way, it was amazing.
Shoma Uno
Let's all take a second to appreciate that silver medalist Shoma Uno looks like actual Jack Frost. Is there anything more fitting for the winter games? It's not like he could go full abominable snowman and land quads.
From single events to pairs and ice dancing, there are more than enough extra figure skating costumes to go around. While the rules of attire may be hazy, these athletes certainly know how to make a statement. May the rhinestones continue to rain down on we viewers like confetti.