Why The Trump Administration Is Messing With Washington D.C.'s Plastic Surgery Calendars
The Trump Administration's effects on the country are — unfortunately — extensive. With reported tensions in the White House and some seriously questionable alleged comments about the appearance of 1600 Pennsylvania, things are rough in Washington, but there's something else. According to Vanity Fair, plastic surgery is being impacted by the Trump Administration as well. While that may seem a bit unbelievable and far-fetched, the connection actually makes quite a bit of sense.
August is a recess month for government officials, and as such, many plan procedures during this time in order to have a smooth transition from surgery back to government — and often very public — life. According toVanity Fair, however, the Trump administration and the controversial healthcare debate have caused a delay in many previously scheduled surgeries. With the August recess pushed back by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, commonly scheduled plastic surgeries are also being pushed back. The result? A bottleneck effect for many doctors and patients wanting to get a bit of a lift.
Speaking to Vanity Fair, plastic surgeon Ariel Rad said, "Since the August recess has been delayed by this healthcare bill in particular, I have a sort of a backlog of patients who have been waiting for the dates to become much more clear so that they can schedule." Looks like those recess nips and tucks are going to have to wait.
Some Twitter users didn't believe the news when they first heard it. The thought of government employees specially curating the types of surgeries they have and what the recovery will does sound like something straight out of a Veep episode. However, it makes sense, doesn't it?
While there are much larger issues at play with a Trump White House, the comical nature of delayed congressional plastic surgeries is at least a small blip of dark humor in an era that just seems, well, dark. Fingers crossed that your upcoming schedules will allow for those delayed botox sessions and plastic surgeries, Congress people.