The Travel Splurge You Should Treat Yourself To Next Year, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

New year, new you, new chance to treat ya bad self to some luxurious self-care and leisure time via a dream vacation. And what better way to choose a dream trip than by looking to the stars and deciding where to travel in 2019 based on your zodiac sign? I already use astrology to do everything else, TBH, so this only makes sense. The impending 2019 vibes are majorly motivating me to travel the world and finally do the things that I was too overwhelmed to even attempt during the trashcan fire that we also refer to as 2018. And 2019 is going to be a big year for every sign! "In 2019 you can accomplish more than your wildest dreams envision — as long as you keep your feet firmly planted on the ground as you reach for the stars," explains "If life drags you down with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great." Even the hiccups and challenges that 2019 may bring are only going prompt the most exciting of blessings and opportunities in return, so going with the flow, keeping a level head, and trusting the universe is going to be key in the coming year. Good things are comin' our way.
Astrologically speaking, the lucky and abundant planet Jupiter will spend the majority of 2019 in its home sign of Sagittarius, which is fabulous news for everyone. Sagittarius is a free-spirited world traveler, and a true lover of new experiences, cultures, and adventures. Jupiter rules Sag, so having this expansive planet in its happy-go-lucky home sign makes this year a fantastic time for every zodiac sign to do some traveling. It's time to take in new sights, smells, and sensations with an open mind and an adventurous spirit.
Deciding which travel splurge to make in 2019 based on your sign is the perfect excuse to treat yourself this year (like you needed one after surviving 2018, TBH). Embrace the lessons and experiences that 2019 has in store for you cosmically — and look forward to the vacation experience of your dreams by indulging in the travel splurge that's written in the stars for your sign (or if these ideas aren't do-able for you, just use them as inspo to plan something else that gives you your 2019 travel fix and lines up with your sign's astro-vibe).
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Indulge In A Beachside Spa Getaway
Aries, you deserve sunshine and salty beaches, because it's going to be extra important to take some quality time yourself in 2019. A relaxation-focused spa trip is the perfect way to get your adventure fix while also making sure you get to pamper yourself. Loews Miami Beach Hotel, a luxury hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, is a literal dream getaway for Aries in 2019 (Bustle lifestyle editor Tanya Ghahremani, who is an Aries, noted that she's been here and is sure no one will ever want to leave this place). It offers gorgeous suites, outdoor cabanas with rooftop sun decks, and a full spa that includes everything from acupuncture and massage to glam blowouts and free meditation classes.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Walk The Camino For Spiritual Growth
2019 is a year full of spiritual expansion for you, Taurus. Now's the time to open your mind to new things, develop your spiritual side, and embrace life's challenges from a high-vibe place. The Camino de Santiago is a modern-day pilgrimage that leads travelers to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain. People of all faiths and backgrounds walk or bike the Camino as a spiritual journey and break from the everyday grind (people have been doing so since 812 AD!), and many travelers claim they have incredible epiphanies and amazing bursts of inspiration during the journey — and given your spiritual transformations in 2019, this could be the perfect choice.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Fly The Skies In Total Luxury
This year might be slightly disorienting, Gem. It's going to be time to re-evaluate your boundaries as far as relationships go and rethink the structure of some things in your life. You're used to going at a mile-a-minute pace, but you might want a little extra comfort this year as you shift into new sides of yourself. Treat yourself to some bonuses when it comes to flying — for example, British Airways offers seats in their Club World cabin that can convert into a full blown BED. A BED. ON A PLANE. Booking one of those tickets gives you the perfect excuse to fly to a faraway place — British Airways' Club World experience, for instance, is available on intercontinental flights. And even if it's just splurging on a first class ticket upgrade on a standard flight and bringing along a sheet mask or two, do it — you deserve it.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Get Quirky At The Madonna Inn
Relationships are shifting for you this year, Cancer — and I know you don't love change, but 2019 is the year to embrace it, because it's all going to be for the best. Lighten up your stresses by taking a fun lovers or friends trip out to San Luis Obispo, a gorgeous town on the central coast of California. The city is home to the world-famous Madonna Inn, a one-of-a-kind boutique hotel known for its super quirky, over-the-top decor and themed rooms, incredible architecture, and a gorgeous landscape. Each room is uniquely themed and fully curated, so take your pick — but I recommend The Love Nest for ultimate pink, dreamy coziness and many epic photo shoot opportunities.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22): Go Wild At Mardi Gras
Leo, 2019 is asking you to step out of the spotlight and go inward, which isn't the most natural state for your sun-shiny, spotlight-lovin' self. You'll be doing some soul-searching and self-care, so you'll be itching for some excitement when it comes to vacations. Blend in with the crowd by finally hitting up a true New Orleans Mardi Gras — a trip that's on so many bucket lists. You'll get to have some flashy, exciting fun and celebrate all you've accomplished (and all you're still working toward!). Plus, New Orleans is an amazing city full of incredible food, flair, and historical sites, so make a full exploration out of it in between the party time.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Full Moon Party In Thailand
You work hard, Virgo, but in 2019, you're going to want to prioritize balancing that work ethic with fun and adventure! Jupiter will be in your fourth house for most of the upcoming year, meaning you'll be much more inclined to travel. Take an epic trip to the tropical beaches and opulent historical sites of Thailand — and plan your trip around the lunar cycle so you can attend one of the country's famous full moon parties on the beach in Koh Phangan, where tens of thousands of travelers gather at dusk to party under one of the most gorgeous full moons every month.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): See Europe On The Eurostar Railway
You have a tendency to be a people-pleaser, Libra, but 2019 is the time to speak your truth and make sure you're getting what you need out of every area of life. It's going to be a great year to indulge yourself and practice lots of self-care, so taking time off work for a fun trip is going to be a must. Lover of art, culture, and luxury that you are, a tour of Europe is the perfect splurge for you — and doing so is easier than ever with the Eurostar high-speed railway, which connects London with numerous other European cities (including Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam, to name a few). Explore the sights and sounds of Europe's most gorgeous cities with ease and make your Euro-trip dreams come true.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Eco-Tour The Ancient Magic Of Central America
2019 is serving you some lessons about flexibility, Scorpio — and you know you have it within your depths to learn them, even if you're resistant at first. Living harmoniously with others and resolving conflicts with grace is key this year, so you'll be doing a lot of introspection. That said, you'll want your vacation splurge to reflect your values, making eco-tourism (or choosing activities and amenites that have the lowest possible impact on the environment or the disruption/burden of locals) your ideal way to travel. Central America is rich with spiritual grounds, deep-rooted culture, and ancient mysteries, so an eco-tour of Mexico will be a dream trip for you this year.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Zipline Your Troubles Away
This year is going to be about building up your own self-confidence, Sag, because for as happy-go-lucky as you naturally are, life's challenges may have left you questioning yourself. You're a master traveler, so being on-the-go will soothe your soul no matter what. But we're not gonna tell you where to go. Rather, choose an exotic location that's been on the brain — maybe a jungle, rainforest, or anywhere you've been itching to get a taste of — and finally try a ziplining adventure! The adrenaline rush will remind you of the brave, adventure-seeking, wild child that you are inside, and the excitement of being in such a foreign and unique setting will satiate your endless curiosity about the world.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Time Travel To The '80s With A Kitschy Cruise
2019's theme for you, Cap, is conquering your fears and standing up for yourself. You work harder than anyone, so you should never settle for less than you deserve! But there's no need to be so serious all the time — everyone needs outlets where they be totally silly, playful, and free. For you, that might take stepping off of solid ground completely and floating off into the sea on a fun cruise ship for your 2019 travel splurge. Guarantee you'll let loose and step outside of your box by attending a totally radical '80s themed cruise ship. The 80s Cruise takes off from Florida with stops in Mexico and Belize, while Throwback: The '80s Festival At Sea takes off from England and even makes a full day stop in France, so you get your non-kitschy vacation fix in, too.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Epic Cross-Country Road Trip
This is going to be a great year for partnerships for you, Aqua, and you'll be doing even more growing and changing as usual. What better way to reinvent yourself and your relationship to the world around you than by traveling via an epic cross-country road trip? Your quirky spirit will be able to sniff out every funky roadside attraction, meet and connect with people from all walks of life, and see a whole new side of the country you live in. Plus, it'll be an incredible bonding experience with whomever you choose to bring along with you on the journey. And given your endless imagination and intellect, you'll be able to make the most of the driving time by using it to generate new ideas and stimulating convos. Buckle up!
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20): Soak In Iceland's Blue Lagoon
Speaking up for yourself is a skill you are sharpening in 2019, Pisces, because you deserve recognition for the things you've accomplished! You're attracting a new vibe and a new tribe, and your sensitive self is going to want to soak it all in. Water baby that you are, 2019's the perfect time to splurge on a trip to gorgeous Iceland and soak in the otherworldly-looking geothermal pools of their famous Blue Lagoon, which is one of the 25 wonders of the world. Snag a crazy cheap flight by keeping your eyes on WOW Air and other Iceland frequenting airlines. You can sometimes find tickets for under $100!