The Things Most Likely To Make You Fall In Love With Someone, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

While astrology is definitely intriguing in many ways, it's the love aspects of the zodiac that are most likely to make people sit up and pay attention. I, for one, when reading my astrology, actually jump right to the love and relationship part, hoping to get a guarantee that I won't die alone. (Please, Universe! Give me a damn sign already!) But finding love, whether or not you adhere to the stars, is never easy. Even when presented with the reading of your birth chart, it's not as though the answers are laid out for you.
"Perhaps the most common reason that people come to me or search online for a birth chart reading is the search for direction," Psychic Medium Imelda Green tells Bustle. "This is the one word I would use to describe the main thing that people are in search of. This applies to love, finance, career, anything family related — it all comes back to direction... People (mistakenly) consider a birth chart reading to be a mystical map that will reveal the direction they should travel in. In my experience, the exact opposite is usually true. The motivation to get a birth chart reading should not be to see where you are going. It should be to see where you are right now with complete clarity."
So while, yes, there are definitely certain specifics attached to your sign, most of what you read in your horoscope should be seen clearly and taken as a guide as opposed to a fact. That being said, here are the things most likely to make you fall in love with someone, based on your zodiac sign — keeping in mind that none of these are black-and-white.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries, you're chockfull of courage and ambition. You're also never wrong — or at least that's what you tell others — so you're really great at standing your ground.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: While you'd never stand for a pushover, if someone wants you to fall in love with them, they have to give up the fight occasionally and let you believe you're right. Also, your disdain for laziness means an active person, ideally someone who likes to hike, run, or go climbing will definitely sweep you off your feet.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus, while you may share Aries' stubbornness, you're definitely toned down version of it, who places more emphasis on romance and being grounded.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: The type of things that are likely to have you falling head over heels, are stability, romance, and someone who likes to work with their hands. In other words, if you can find yourself a romantic chef, you'll be set for life.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
As one the most adaptable of the zodiac signs, Gemini, it may seem like you're easy to please, but you're not. You have some needs that must be fulfilled by a partner.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: Affection and attention are the two big things that will make you fall in love. For starters, you're affectionate by nature and need that in order to fall for someone. Secondly, you really don't like being alone, so attention and being given lots of someone's time is like hitting the jackpot for you.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
In being loyal, emotional, and fairly negative, you're a complicated sign, Cancer. This means you need someone who's up to the task to handle all that.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: As a homebody, the thing that is going to make you fall in love with someone is if they share this in common. Basically, it's all about hours of Netflix and Seamless for your heart to be won over.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Leo, you may be the most narcissistic of the signs, but that doesn't mean you're incapable of falling in love.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: If you're going to fall in love with someone, they better be willing to admire you 24/7 and bear no shortage when it comes to spoiling you with pricey goodies. These are the type of things that make a Leo's heart skip a beat.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Virgo, your need to be practical and work hard spills over into your love life tenfold. Which means you need to find someone who meshes well with your Type-A personality.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: As an animal lover, if someone has a dog, it's love at first sight. No questions asked. If they manage to have a clean apartment, too, in addition to being an animal lover, then you have it in the bag.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Libra, in order for you to maintain the harmony that keeps you happy, you need balance at all times — at least on the outside, as you've known to be a little imbalanced on the inside with your indecisiveness.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: Qualities that will have you falling in love with someone stat are gentleness, generosity, and someone who believes in justice. Not to jump ahead of ourselves, but this sounds like a civil rights attorney might be right up your alley.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Scorpio, there's no denying that you're difficult, but you're also that difficult person who know they're difficult, and it's always good to be self aware. You're also brave AF and when it comes to your true friends, you're totally ride-or-die about them.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: While you do have a few unsavory qualities in there, your devotion to your friends and the truth is a testament to who you really are. What this means is that if you're going to fall in love with someone, they should share your undying devotion and never, ever tell a lie. You put truthfulness above all else and will easily fall in love with someone who wouldn't dare lie to you.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Of all the signs, Sagittarius, you're the one who values your freedom the most. Not just metaphorically, but literally.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: Because you need to be free, in order for you to fall in love with someone, you need to find someone who either shares your sense of adventure to get out there and see the world or someone who won't hold you back when you tell your partner you're leaving for Japan tomorrow. Ideally, this person would be just as idealistic as you, so as to avoid confrontation.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Perhaps it's because you're born around the holiday season, but Capricorn, you're not just responsible, you put family and tradition first, too. And it's something that's paramount you find in a partner, too.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: If you're going to fall in love with someone, they better have a very close and healthy relationship with their family, or all bets are off. While someone who is disciplined is also a selling point for you, too, it's family and tradition that weigh most heavily on your mind as most essential.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Aquarius, you really do want to save the world, don't you? And like others who share this desire, you also hope to find it in a partner.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: What's it going to take you to fall in love with someone? Well, they better be a humanitarian through and through, and not be afraid to fight for causes that are dear to them and you. It's the person who sets aside an entire Saturday to make protest signs for the next Women's March who's the one who will get your heart in spades.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Pisces, you live in a world of your own and you like it there. No, I take that back; you love it there. While you don't need a partner who's going to permanently set up shop in your other world, you do want a partner who wants to visit from time to time.
Things most likely to make you fall in love with someone: If you're going to fall in love, the two things that are going to seal the deal is being given lots of space and the permission to indulge in your fantasy world. These are the most important factors to secure your love for someone else.
Are these things set in stone? Of course not. But they force you to question if what you always thought were love-worthy qualities for you are really love-worthy qualities after all. And, as Green points out, that's what astrology is ultimately supposed to do: help us see things with a bit more clarity.