The Song From These Married U.S. Figure Skaters' Routine Will Make Your Heart BURST

The pairs figure skating short program at the PyeongChang Olympics kicked off on Wednesday morning (local time). As people around the world watched skaters compete on Valentine's Day in South Korea, some may have noticed that the song from Alexa Scimeca & Chris Knierim’s 2018 Olympics short program routine is incredibly romantic. The married couple skated to Moulin Rouge's "Come What May," mesmerizing audiences — and securing a spot in the final.
New figure skating rules in the 2018 Olympics allow sung music to accompany skating routines, which is why Alexa and Chris were able to select the romantic tune. The lyrics to "Come What May" reveal that it's a touching love song — something made all the more romantic by the fact that the couple is married and skating together at the Olympics on Valentine's Day.
Indeed, Alexa spoke with USA Today Sports about how excited she and Chris were to have the unique opportunity to share an Olympic moment together on the romantic holiday:
We will have a Valentine’s Day that no other married couple on the ice will have ... It will be a most unique bond because there is no other pair competing at the Games that is married so it will be one in a million.
Chris also told the outlet that he was looking forward to the special moment, saying, “It is going to be a special Valentine’s Day ... One we might never have again.”
While Chris and Alexa's short program is romantic, their relationship is even more enthralling and inspiring. The couple have overcome significant odds to be at their first-ever Olympic Games. In 2016, shortly after the couple's wedding, Alexa was diagnosed with a serious gastrointestinal illness — and ended up requiring three abdominal surgeries to help her recover.
Alexa had to go through an intensive recovery process to get her skating back to a competitive level. As she told PEOPLE in an interview published on Feb. 11:
I lost all of my muscle, and my body mechanics when I started getting back into working out were like next to none … the very first time I stepped back on the ice after my surgeries, Chris had to hold me up because my body was not capable of standing on its own.
Alexa did recover, though, and the couple are now at the Olympic Games. When asked by PEOPLE if the games felt like a celebration after working through Alexa's health issues, the couple both emphatically agreed, with Chris saying, “One-hundred percent."
Indeed, Alexa and Chris revealed this celebratory spirit after their performance at the team figure skating event, in which the United States won bronze. While on the ice, the couple shared a kiss, to which the crowd enthusiastically responded. In reflecting on the moment, Alexa said to PEOPLE, "When we kissed, in the back of my mind I was like: We’re on Olympic ice ... It’s still such a big deal, we’re still like kids taking it in."
Now, after skating an impressive short program in the pairs competition, in which the couple scored a 34.18 on their technical score and 31.37 on performance, Alexa and Chris will advance to the free skate final. The pairs free skate final will take place on the morning of Feb. 15 in South Korea (the night of Feb. 14 in the United States). Alexa and Chris will face off against 15 other pairs and compete for Olympic medals.
Many are undoubtedly looking forward to watching this couple skate again — and to once more see them live out their Olympic dreams on ice.