How To Follow 'The Repair Shop' Team On IG – Yes, Including Will Kirk

Undoubtedly one of the most uplifting shows on British television right now, BBC One's The Repair Shop describes itself as "an antidote to throwaway culture." In it, we see a team of repairman – everyone from leather experts to horologists (that's clock specialists for anyone who was wondering) – take worn down or damaged treasures and return them to pristine condition. But who makes up the team? And, more importantly, what are The Repair Shop team's Instagram handles?! Because if you think you've seen all the wholesome content these guys have to offer, think again...
Jay Blades
Eco designer and award-winning presenter Jay Blades specialises in furniture restoration. Plus, he runs a charity called Out of the Dark that connects young people who are struggling in academic environments and connects that with retired craftsmen who can pass on their skills in furniture upkeep and restoration. Blades is leader of the pack at the repair shop and chats with all the customers who come in looking to have their items restored to their former glory. He can be found on Instagram @jay_n_co, where his signature headgear (a Peaky Blinders-style cap) and love for all things homeware (chairs in particular) take pride of place.
Will Kirk
Will Kirk is an antique furniture restorer and graphic design graduate. He is also *the* most handsome man on television. His Instagram – @williamkirkrestoration – is full of beautiful items he has restored, including tables, chairs, and chests. There are also plenty of pictures of Kirk himself. Swooning doesn't even cover it.
Kirsten Ramsay
Kisten Ramsay is a specialist in ceramic conservation and restoration and her Instagram is full of all sorts of pieces that millennials will positively drool over. Ramsay's penchant for piecing things back together becomes apparent as soon as you start scrolling through her grid on @cabin.girl.
Steven Fletcher
While horologist Steven Fletcher doesn't appear to have a personal Instagram account, he is presumably the brains behind @clock_workshop_witney (the clue being that his name is listed on the bio and pictures of him appear all over it). There are lots of beautiful clocks and fun Repair Shop family photos on here, as well as a shot of Steven's iconic glasses. Sadly, however, his sister Suzie Fletcher (the show's leather specialist) doesn't appear to have an account on Instagram, but you can find her website here.
Dominic Chinea
Dominic Chinea is a man of many talents, specialising in set design, prop making, metal work, sign writing, and restoration. Phewf. You got all that? And all of these skills are showcased via Instagram on his page @dominicchinea. If you're into rusty old vehicles and shaggy dogs, you've come to the right place.
Brenton West
Silversmith and vintage camera expert Brenton West has a very active Instagram page, @brenton_west, which features all the goodies you'd expect: shots of stunning silver items, of him tinkering with pieces of metal, and of rare cameras from years gone by.
Lucia Scalisi
Lucia Scalisi is a conservator at the V&A and a dab hand at returning damaged and dreary paintings to their former, highly-pigmented selves. Scalisi's Instagram, @luciainlondon123, is a visual feast, full of stunning artworks and images of her visiting famous places around the world.
Julie Tatchell & Amanda Middleditch
The very charming Julie Tatchell and Amanda Middleditch – aka the Bear Ladies – run a joint account dedicated to their work as teddy bear repair experts: @bearinmind02. On it, you can find lots of pictures that demonstrate their talent of taking old, worn down, and occasionally quite creepy-looking bears and turning them into toys we'd all be happy to open on Christmas morning.