The newest source for sexual health information may not be one you'd expect, but it's worth checking out. Pornhub will be launching a free online resource for viewers, providing advice and information on sexuality, sexual health, and relationships. The Pornhub Sexual Health Center is surprising, but I think, totally exciting.
With all the talk about what a negative impact mainstream porn can have on our sexual development, I actually think pairing it with sexual health information is kind of amazing. Because people watch a lot of porn, and they're not going to stop. That's just a fact. So pairing it with useful sexual information could be incredibly helpful — especially for those who are too embarrassed to seek it out elsewhere or don't have resources available.
"Pornhub receives nearly 70 million visits from around the world each and every day," Corey Price, Pornhub Vice President, tells Bustle. "We thought it would be great if we could offer our fans the best of both worlds so to speak —adult entertainment and a valuable resource they could glean helpful information regarding their sexual health. It’s especially important that people have a go-to resource for advice and information that they can relate to and trust."
And this isn't some half-assed operation, they'll have original editorial content from sexperts, therapists, doctors, and community leaders. "Instead of spending endless amounts of time searching for articles that may or may not pertain to people’s particular question/issue our site will be a hub for credible, insightful information," says Price.
"The lack of proper sexual education can have very serious health consequences."
Dr. Laurie Betito, a renowned clinical psychologist and author specializing in sex therapy, who will be directing Pornhub's Sexual Health Center. "As a psychologist specializing in sexual health, I have given advice for over three decades to people from all walks of life through my private practice as well as my radio program," she said in a press release. "One thing I have realized is that, no matter our background or desires, sexual education — mental, physical, emotional and spiritual - plays a vital role in our society. It has always been a dream to connect with, educate and inform people all over the world on a massive scale. Heading the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center is an opportunity to reach a global audience and provide a source for healthy sexual education and dialogue."
And that's not all. There will also be contributions from Dr. Kat Van Kirk, Dr. Zhana Vranglova, Trans community leader Sophia Banks, sex coach Dr. Stacy Friedman, sex tech writer Kitty Gray, and Dr. Bryant Paul of the Indiana University Media School, among others.
"The lack of proper sexual education can have very serious health consequences," Price tells Bustle. "We want to better inform our fans and help them learn about sexual health in a relatable manner."
Some might not think porn and sex education should go hand in hand, but I have to say that I think more sexual education and resources is always better. And, on such a popular site, the outreach could really be huge. Bring it on.