There's A Brand New 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Trailer

We've gotten a few looks into Marvel's upcoming reboot (still feels to soon to say that) of Spider-Man, and there's been a lot of nit-picking of what makes this one different then the first two franchises. Now, with the newest Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, you can add more things to that list. It looks like pseudo mentor Tony Stark is trying to revoke the web-slinger's suit privileges, and this is probably bad timing to make that move. Because not only do we get special focus on the Spider-Man costume and oh, all the little tricks that come with it, but we also realize that young Peter Parker will need every gadget in his arsenal. Particularly because there's also a lot of attention paid to the latest big bad he's going up against, Vulture.
To begin with, I'm pretty sure this is a spider suit that's more about the sophisticated silly string canons versus shooting webs out of one's wrists. It's a personal choice that every Spider-Man movie directer has to make for himself. Second of all, the spider emblem in the center of the suits chest isn't just there for a little razzle dazzle. It's able to jump off Peter's body and... I don't know, send messages out? There's definitely a practical purpose.
Then, there are interesting aesthetic and convenience choices; the suit has a lot of adjustable elasticity, managing to fit over Ned's head without conflict. And, though I've never considered this in other Spider-Man media (like that time Tobey McGuire was getting rained on hardcore), the fabric is probably pretty water-resistant. Spidey crashes a pool party at some point during his friendly neighborhood watch and looks fairly unscathed. So yeah, I would want to hold onto this for all that crime-fighting.
But then we see Peter in his sweats going up against Michael Keaton's Vulture and his terrifying wingspan. Vulture is wasting no time in slicing ferry's and tossing the teen into buses — which, uh, yeah, this guy was both Batman and Birdman. I wouldn't want to go up against him on my first outing of being a superhero, especially not without my web-covered security blanket. How will Peter defeat him and finally win Tony's respect?
Spoiler: Pretty sure they're not going to kill the leading character in the first chapter of a spin-off. Although, hey, if they go that route, they can always reboot it.
Spider-Man: Homecoming swings into theaters July 7. Feel free to watch Peter Parker 3.0 try to save the world sans suit while you wait.