The 'Mulan' Remake Sounds Empowering AF

There's nothing Disney fans love more than hearing news of yet another live-action remake of one of the company's most iconic animated films. 2015 saw Lily James donning the glass slipper in Cinderella, and most recently, Emma Watson and Dan Stevens' respective roles as Belle and the Beast in the highly anticipated Beauty and the Beast reboot gave fans something to talk about for months on end. Now, director Niki Caro is getting down to business and giving all of us yet another reason to be excited about Disney's Mulan live-action film.
In an interview with ScreenCrush, Caro said,
“I haven’t started yet so I can’t give you any real detail. But the budget and the location and the story [are] offering such scope to me for [an] incredible, muscular piece of girly martial arts extravaganza in China. And I can’t wait.”
If I were to find a way to describe my emotions after hearing this, "excited" would be an understatement, because a "girly martial arts extravaganza" is literally what we all need right now. Considering the current state of affairs for women in this country, this film couldn't come at a more perfect time. Sean Bailey, president of Motion Picture Production recently spoke to Vulture and revealed that the new Mulan film is supposed to be a "fresh take on female empowerment."
“Mulan is clearly an empowered-female story," Bailey told Vulture, "but we can also do something new in this reimagining, make it a little more muscular, stronger, with touch of Ridley Scott."
Set for a Nov. 2 release next year, Mulan is next on the list of Disney remakes and will be followed by John Favreau's The Lion King. The film has garnered a lot of attention since being announced, though not much else about the movie has been made clear.
This remake may not be a musical adaptation like its predecessor, so sadly that means we probably won't get to scream the lyrics to "I'll Make A Man Out of You." But at least we'll get to see one of our favorite Disney princesses being a total badass on the big screen again.