
Here's What Turns Scandinavian Women On

by Kristen Sollee
Portrait of a young woman watching a movie at night in her bedroom
EmirMemedovski/E+/Getty Images

A complex interplay between nature and nurture informs what kind of porn will push your buttons. The scenarios and sex acts that get many American women hot and bothered won't necessarily be what women in other countries will enjoy, and new Pornhub insights on Scandinavian women's porn preferences only confirms this fact. According to an analysis of adult entertainment consumption in Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, many ladies in these nations have sexual predilections unique to their geographical area.

When Americans think of sexual liberation, Scandinavia often comes to mind. It is, after all, a place where governments underwrite comprehensive sex surveys of their populace, kink is commonly accepted amongst young people, and only a mere 10 percent say they are unhappy with their sex lives. There is also a clear correlation between sexual freedom and the level of gender equality that is enjoyed throughout Scandinavia. Iceland tops the list as the country with the highest level of gender parity in the world, followed closely by Norway, Finland, and Sweden. This means that women in most Scandinavian countries have higher wage equality, higher life expectancies, and more women in positions of power than we do. And if that isn't a turn on, I don't know what is.

Here are five statistics about Scandinavian women's porn habits:

1Scandinavian Women Think Age Differences Are Totally Hot

According to Pornhub's data, Scandinavian women search for "Old/Young" porn 99 percent more than women around the world. Whether this interest is mostly in older women coupled with younger folks or vice versa, it's clear Nordic women have a very strong fetish in the age arena.

2Scandinavian Women Like To Get Their Kink On

Scandinavian women seem to have a predilection for kinky porn above and beyond women of other nationalities. Ladies from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden looked for bondage videos 50 percent more than women around the world.

3Danish, Icelandic, And Swedish Women Prefer Local Porn

When the top porn searches were broken up between each country in Scandinavia, there was a major distinction between Norway and Finland and the rest of the region. While women in the former two locales were most likely to search for lesbian porn, women in the latter locales were most likely to search for porn from their own cultures, whether it be Danish, Icelandic, or Swedish porn.

4Icelandic Women Love To Party

Compared to their Scandinavian sisters, Icelandic women were 62 percent more likely to search for party porn. I'm not sure what exactly that means, but it sounds like a blast. Pass the champagne and condoms, please!

5Lesbian Is The Most Popular Porn Search By Scandinavian Women

As Pornhub has shown us, Scandinavian women do have their own erotic wants and needs that differ from other women around the world. But at the same time, let's get real: there are desires that cross cultures so that united, we may all come together. And just like women in a majority of countries around the world, "lesbian" is the most popular search for Scandinavian women, too. It truly is a small world after all.